Episcopal Elections 2022

Latest results and news coverage
United Methodists in the United States, the Philippines and Central and Southern Europe are meeting in November to elect and consecrate new bishops and assign bishops to specific regions or episcopal areas.
Bishops are the top clergy leaders of The United Methodist Church. This will be the first time since 2016 that new bishops have been elected for the church, which has more than 12 million members worldwide.
Delegates to the Central and Southern Europe Central Conference will meet Nov. 15-19 to elect a new bishop. Three new bishops will be elected in the Philippines Nov. 24-26. U.S. delegates elected 13 bishops Nov. 2-5.
Find election results, stories on the elected bishops and the latest news from United Methodist News below.
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Learn more
United Methodists typically meet every four years to elect bishops to fill vacancies, as well as elect representatives to agency boards and commissions, adopt budgets for jurisdictional programs and do other business. Those gatherings follow the quadrennial meeting of General Conference, the denomination’s top lawmaking assembly. The pandemic-driven postponements of General Conference have resulted in delays in the elections, which ordinarily would have occurred in 2020.
While United Methodists in the Philippines, United States and parts of Europe are electing bishops in November, leaders with the three African central conferences have stated that their areas will wait until after General Conference in 2024 to hold elections.
Read more about the Council of Bishops
Read more about the structure of The United Methodist Church
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