More than 600 members of the Dakotas Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church gathered in
Sioux Falls, South Dakota to "Discover Joy, Live Deeply!"
Bishop Bruce R. Ough, Dakotas-Minnesota Area, presided. Drawing on John 15:1-17, the Bishop encouraged members to engage in theme of this year's annual conference session, "Discover Joy: Live Deeply!" Ough led the body to focus on the pathway to a deep, well-lived life, which comes as we abide in Jesus. Attendees connected to their collective story of how God has named and claimed us, heard a variety of "Why Jesus" stories, and explored practices that sustain us and give depth to spiritual lives—those that allow us to discover the joy that comes when we invest ourselves in growing in our love of God and neighbor. Those present celebrated the multitude of ways that we are sent into the world to live fully and offer the goodness we have discovered in living in the way of Jesus.
In his 2018 episcopal address, Oughtalked about how when we remain in Jesus, his joy is our joy, and he explored what it means to be Love First congregations—focused on loving God and loving our neighbors. The three most distinctive characteristics of Love First churches are that they live the United Methodist way, tell their Jesus stories, and generate Love First fruit, he said.
In two teaching sessions, the Rev. Olu Brown explored the importance of knowing, claiming and reclaiming our personal "why" stories and underscored the critical task of staying connected to the vine so we can be inspired to transform the world. One of the worst things that can happen is for us to become "professional Christians"—doing church, worship, and prayer by the numbers, he said. He urged us to be "catalyst evangelists"— those who go before to create an opportunity or atmosphere to connect people to Jesus.
Sheila Dailie, chair of the Common Table and several presenters reported on the progress that has been made and highlighted the 2017-2018 Missional Report. The Dakotas Annual Conference is reaching the next person for Jesus and making progress on the Journey Toward Vitality's strategic iniatives. Annual Conference attendees learned about how the conference and churches are creating a culture of call in a variety of settings—laity pursuing new ministry paths, new clergy growing in leadership, churches launching new services. Clergy and laity shared their God stories about answering God's call.
Members of the 2018 Annual Conference Session elected the Rev. Rebecca Trefz, clergy delegate, and Beata Ferris, lay delegate to the 2019 special called General Conference session. The Rev. Roger Spahr, clergy, and Matthew Bader, laity, were elected alternates. They also voted on the 2016 General Conference constitutional amendments as amended and approved the consent calendar.
The 2019 budget totaling $7,306,501, a decrease of 4.4 percent, or $319,664, was approved. There is a 3.9 percent decrease in the apportioned budget and a 5.1 percent decrease in the cost to the churches for pension and insurance. The 2019 budget proposal is an intentional effort to provide an affordable and aligned budget.
In moments of celebration and remembrance, members rejoiced at the ordination of one elder and the commissioning of one provisional elders and 20 newly licensed local pastors (average age 37.5 years). Members gave thanks for the 297 total years of service of 14 clergy members who retire July 1. Worshippers lit candles, remembering the four clergy and seven clergy spouses who died during the past year as part of the Celebration of Life in Ministry Service.
In special offerings, the conference collected $44,000 for 2018 Miracle Offering Called: One Word, Many Ways to help fund grants to support churches, groups, and organizations in creating opportunities to inspire and equip individuals to hear and respond to God's calling. Also collected $2,600 for the ministerial student aid fund.
Statistically, in the Dakotas Conference: Membership stands at 36,577, up 860, a 2.4 percent increase, from the previous year. Average weekly worship attendance stands at 23,657, up 4.65 percent. Church school attendance stands at 6,560, up by 935 or 16 percent. Professions or reaffirmations of faith for 2017: 1,815, up from 2016 by 90.85 percent. The number of adults and young adults in small groups for 2017 was 17,398, down from 2016 by less than one percent. The number of persons served by our community ministries of outreach, justice and mercy continues to grow, with an 17 percent increase to 193,954 persons in 2017 over 164, 896 persons in 2016.
—Doreen Gosmire, director of communications, Dakotas Conference
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