2018 Indiana Annual Conference

The 2018 Indiana Annual Conference was held June 7-9 in Indianapolis, with the theme, "See All the People," with Matthew 9:35-38 as the primary text for the week:

"Jesus traveled among all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, announcing the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness. Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The size of the harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for his harvest." (CEB)

Bishop Julius C. Trimble presided over his second annual conference session as the resident bishop of the Indiana Area. He opened the 2018 meeting with enthusiasm as he greeted lay and clergy members at the Indiana Convention Center located in downtown Indianapolis.

Celebration of Life Service brings opportunity to "See All The People"

The Annual Conference began with the Celebration of Life Service to remember with great joy, the life, and service of those who have transitioned from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant since the last gathering. Bishop Trimble served as the preacher and led the Conference in an upbeat memorialization of 33 clergy and 41 spouses.

In his sermon to the Conference, Trimble encouraged members and guests to "Stand steady, don't be afraid, bring others to Christ, and leave nothing undone." Focusing on 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, he shared that we serve a God that knows what it is like to lose a loved one, and likewise, we believe in Jesus who knows the struggles, temptations, and hurt we endure.

As the day continued, the membership reconvened for the official opening and business meeting where standard procedures, rules, and consent calendar items were approved.

During the opening business session, members sat in a new seating format of roundtables to foster a heightened sense of community, as well as provide space for discussion and dialogue with planning for Critical Conversations.

First Lady Racelder Grandberry-Trimble, wife and ministry partner of Bishop Trimble, brought greetings to the members and guests. She shared a message of the importance of words and how they impact each of us in our lives, as well as prompting us to think about how we continue to find a source of inspiration and uplift in our work.

The United Methodist Foundation of Indiana (UMFI) presented Bishop Trimble and the Conference a check totaling $226,557 for the Minister's Retirement Fund for Indiana Conference retirees. The Foundation also gave the Conference Cane to Rev. Elmer Bosworth. The oldest Elder of the Conference is the steward of the Walking Cane. Rev. Bosworth is 99.

During the opening business, the Conference Committee on Archives and History offered a brief video highlighting the 50th Anniversary of the merger of the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren Church, which happened in 1968.

The Trustees reported the sale of eight church properties for 2017 resulting a total of $680,000 to be used to fuel new church ministries. The Trustees also shared a distribution report from the Shera Fund including $293,190 used to supplement the 2017 Miracle Offering for Global Health (to support Imagine No Malaria and the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund), the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy, as well as support for theological education for students in Sierra Leone.

The Conference Council on Finance and Administration offered a live enactment/illustration of Connectional Giving that made visual the impact of what a $100 tithe to the offering plate has to the Connection from the local church to the community, to the Conference, and the broader Connection as the Church to the world.

Retirement Recognition Service

The 2018 Annual Conference Session took a break from business to recognize those who are retiring. As organ music played, many gathered to celebrate and honor the 34 clergy members who are retiring along with their spouses.

Rev. Dr. Brian K White began our gathering with a greeting and Rev. Julie Macy offered a prayer. The Prayer for Illumination was offered by Pastor Dawn Cuthbert.

A scripture lesson was read from Philippians 3:7-16 and Bishop Trimble then shared an encouraging word regarding his appreciation towards the retiring class and the impact and legacies they leave.

Those retiring this year include: Doug Barber, Steve Bard, Monty Barker, Bill Bergstrom, Dave Byrum, Wade Compton, Steve Conner, Barbara Cross, Mark Dicken, Mark Allen Fernihough, Daryl Gressel, C. Archibald Hawkins, George C. Haysler, David Heim, Mark Hill, Randy Jungkurth, Bert Kite, Bob Kumpf, Craig LaSuer, Gail D. Law, Brenda Ludwig, Rob Martindale, Yvonne Cuenca Oropeza, Paul D. Perry, Larry Platt, Patty Roberts, Dennis Rush, Douglas Sanders, Bill Shannon, Jackie Smith, Scott Stephans, Laurence Landon Stewart, JT Thomas, and Charles Wanner.

Bishop Trimble led the retirees through a time of reading and response. Rev. Craig LaSuer passed the mantle to Rev. Lisa Cottingham. The mantle is passed from a representative of the retiring class to representative of the incoming full member class.

The service concluded with the singing of Take My Life, and Let it Be and a blessing from Bishop Trimble.

Missional Offering at Annual Conference

This year, Bishop Trimble and the Annual Conference Executive Committee invited members to participate in a special offering designated to support with UMCOR, Indiana Disaster Response, and Ministry With the Poor Matching grants. One-third of the offering will go to help UMCOR and its work in disaster recovery throughout the U.S., one-third to the Indiana Disaster Fund, and one-third to support the continued giving of matching grants to churches doing projects with the poor. To date, $9,159.81 has been collected.

Celebration of Ministry Service

The Celebration of Ministry: Commissioning and Ordination Service began with uplifting, worshipful song as guests were invited to remember their baptisms. We were blessed by a myriad of voices around the Indiana Conference throughout the service including our Conference Choir, led by Conference Worship Director Fran Wyatt, and the choir of Mizo United Methodist Church, directed by Zia R. Thanga.

During the 2018 Annual Conference, 23 members have been confirmed by the annual conference for commissioning and ordination.

Bishop Trimble led those being commissioned and ordained through a response and examination as they agreed to uphold the covenant of the orders of which they were commissioned or ordained as Elders and Deacons in The United Methodist Church.

Rev. Brian K. Milford, President, and CEO, United Methodist Publishing House, preached,

"That You May Be Faithful Disciples." Rev. Milford reminded all to remember their baptism and be thankful, and that the Holy Spirit is always at work within us so that we may live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

"We are all connected," he continued, "stand in the gap and be evangelists of the Christian faith always ready to help." Rev. Milford ended his sermon by reciting Romans 12: 1-2.

The service continued with worship and song as hands were laid on those being ordained, followed by the receiving of Holy Communion. The service concluded with the giving and receiving of appointments and final blessings from Bishop Trimble and Deacon Jill Marie DeHaven Buckler.

Annual Conference Reports

Church Development Report

Emily Reece, Director of Church Development, began the report by thanking the Rev. Steve Clouse, who transitioned out of the role of Director and is now serving in the Missouri Conference, as well as the Rev. Doug Anderson, Associate Director of Church Development, who served in the interim.

"More than 4 million people in Indiana are unaffiliated with a religious group. That is every other household on your street," said Reece.

She continued, "God calls us to get to know all of the people in our mission field."

Reece shared the Church Development programming that helps congregations to see all of the people, AIM, which stands for "Adapt, Impact, and Multiply."

Reece continued, "to that end, we have three primary objectives: to help churches adapt to our changing ministry contexts, to impact their communities, and multiply the number of disciples, faith communities, and churches throughout the state."

The Indiana Annual Conference also celebrated having reached our goal of starting 30 new faith communities by 2020, a task that was completed two years ahead of schedule.

Leadership Development Report

The Leadership Development report began with a video highlighting various leadership development events.

Rev. Dr. Aleze Fulbright, Director of Leadership Development, welcomed Rev. Tony Johnson, Chair for the Leadership Development Operational Team, to the stage.

Rev. Johnson recognized the three areas in which the Leadership Development team does missional leadership: discover, develop and deploy fruitful leaders. He then prompted each person in the room to turn to his or her neighbor and ask, "How are you and your congregation 'Seeing All the People' by discovering, developing, and deploying principled Christian leaders?"

Rev. Dr. Aleze Fulbright then celebrated the many persons in the room who have responded to the Lord's Call by acknowledging the, "Elders and Deacons in their fifth year interval, the 100+ clergypersons celebrating a milestone anniversary with the Annual Conference, and the 32 clergypersons who have chosen to journey over 8-months to be resourced for more fruitful ministry."

Emily Krach, the Associate Director of Leadership for Emerging Leaders, then came to the stage. On behalf of the Leadership Development team, she presented the United Methodist Board of Higher Education's Francis Asbury Award to Rev. Sharon Samsell with the United Campus Ministries of Terre Haute.

Ending her report, Fulbright introduced incoming Director, Rev. Shannon Stringer as Fulbright transitions to her new role as Conference Superintendent serving the East District on July 1.

Emerging Leaders' influence on Annual Conference

Grace Covington, Emerging Leader from First United Methodist Church Decatur, shared about the Back to School Rally and ways the Conference can support this event.

Molly Bickle, Emerging Leader from Castleton UMC, shared about Emerging Leaders saying we are the leaders of the church not just tomorrow but also today.

Several Emerging Leaders shared reasons why they are an Emerging Leader in the Indiana Conference. Some of their responses included: to empower youth and young people to transform the world for Christ, to gain a voice for youth in the church, to lead and create change, and to make a change in our world. Their passion for service has stemmed from the church's encouragement and a desire to serve others and watch them grow.

Emily Krach, Assoc. Director of Leadership Development, share more on ways the church can partner with the Emerging Leaders Team. Krach also shared about Leadership Labs throughout the state along with an accompanied video.

Rev. Larry Whitehead, Dean of the Cabinet and Conference Superintendent serving the North District lead the Conference in a moment of remembering as we celebrated the legacies of churches who have faithfully ended their life cycles. The 18 churches celebrated were; Amboy UMC, Bethesda UMC, Brazil Wesley UMC, Denver UMC, Forest Park UMC, Fort Ritner UMC, Laconia UMC, Lakeview UMC, Morocco Evangelical UMC, Orange UMC, Portland Center UMC, Richmond Faith-Trinity UMC, Riddle UMC, Riley UMC, Smith Park UMC, Twelve Mile UMC, Walker's Chapel UMC, and West Terre Haute First UMC.

Their ministries were celebrated by singing "I Love To Tell The Story" as members stood in their honor and memory. Bishop Trimble led a moment of prayer over these communities of faith. Rev. Larry Whitehead continued with the Extended Cabinet report.

Mission + Justice Report

Rev. Tom Heaton and Allison Curts, Assoc. Directors of Mission and Justice began their presentation by singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children," setting the tone for their report.

"Jesus loves all the people, Jesus is able to see all the people. In Mission and Justice we work with all people," said Heaton.

Curts shared and celebrated the quick response of the Indiana Conference after hurricanes hit in Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Puerto Rico. Indiana churches created over 3,000 cleaning buckets and over 3,000 health kits, as well as collected direct cash contributions to UMCOR totaling over one million eighty-five thousand dollars.

Altogether, we have well over one million three hundred thousand dollars to help with Disaster Response. In Indiana, the South Bend Disaster Response Team, in partnership with Catholic Charities, has helped more than 40 homeowners recover.

"When it comes to disaster, Indiana United Methodists respond! Through UMCOR, we are committed to continuing to be the first in and the last out after disaster strikes. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding don't discriminate - so we don't either. When UMCOR responds, we see all the people who are hurting and we offer hope," said Curts.

Creation Care awards were presented to Taylor Chapel UMC in Ft. Wayne, North UMC in Indianapolis, and Mike Oles, for his personal efforts in creation care.

Heaton and Curts also shared a video highlighting the first Respond: Mission and Justice Summit. The 2019 Respond Summit will be on Saturday, March 9, at Grace UMC in Franklin.

Heaton shared their focus on ministry with the poor, not just for them. He showed a video about the Matthew's Voices choir from Roberts Park UMC in Indianapolis, who then blessed us with their voices during the giving of the Missional Offering.

This year, Bishop Trimble and the Committee on The Annual Conference made a decision to collect a special offering which would be designated to assist with UMCOR, Indiana Disaster Response, and Ministry With the Poor Matching grants. One-third of the offering will go to help UMCOR and its work in disaster recovery throughout the U.S., one third to the Indiana Disaster Fund, and one third to support the continued giving of matching grants to churches doing projects with the poor.

Extended Cabinet Report

Whitehead shared the language change as we continue to live into utilizing the title of Conference Superintendent over previously used District Superintendent. "This change is a reminder that we serve more than one single district," shared Whitehead.

Whitehead outlined the team structure and our Indiana Conference "Wildly Important Goal(WIG)", of 100 percent of churches/pastors engaged in life giving changes for Jesus Christ in their mission fields by 2020. He continued to share the steps we will take on a path towards this goal.

Earlier this year, the Extended Cabinet shared a notice and letter speaking out against hate. Whitehead shared some of that letter with the annual conference. Whitehead also shared the Extended Cabinet's support of women noting that "we still have work to do in the Indiana Conference." He continued, "As an Extended Cabinet we place extremely high value on our clergy women in our congregations, it's not an exception, it's our standard."

Finally, Whitehead shared a desire of the Extended Cabinet for continued conversation to happen around issues with which we are not in agreement.

He noted appreciation for Rev. David Byrum, Rev. Michelle Cobb, Rev. Chris Newman-Jacobs, and Rev. Kate Walker, who have served on the Cabinet and will now now be transitioning off the Cabinet and into further ministry in new appointments and retirement.

Whitehead also welcomed those coming to join the Cabinet this incoming year, Rev. Chris Nunley who will serve as Conference Superintendent. Whitehead shared that the Rev. Dave Neckers will serve as the new Dean of Cabinet.

Resolutions and other business

2017 Resolution #5: Welcoming the Migrant in Our Midst passed.

2017 Resolution #6: Wesley Seminary and the University Senate

After speeches against and in favor were heard an amendment was proposed to change a line stating "Wesley offers one of". 2017 Resolution #6 was passed as amended.

2018 Resolution #1: Exemption of Property Trust Provisions was ruled out of order.

2018 Resolution #2: Affirming Historical Position and Doctrinal Standards. After several speeches were made both in favor and against, a motion was made to postpone this resolution indefinitely. The motion was approved.

Budget approval

Doug Worthington shared that 100 percent of the 2017 INUMC General & Jurisdiction Church Apportionments have been fulfilled to total $5,259,000.

Ian Hall, Director of Administration and Financial Services, shared the budget as it came before the Annual Conference and was approved as presented.

2019 Total Income Budget - $13,149,000

2019 Expense Budget - 40 percent General Church, 60 percent Indiana Annual Conference

In a unique moment, Rev. Rodney Frieden, a member of the CFA, interrupted Hall to offer an illustration of how connectional giving has had an impact on all of us and why the tithe is so important.

2018 Statistics

Membership at the close of 2017 was 184,513, a decrease of 2 percentsince 2016; average worship attendance stands at 92,523, down 4 percent from the previous year; Sunday School (all ages), 29,407, down 5 percent; Professions of Faith through confirmation, 923 (new category); Professions of Faith other than confirmation, is at 2,105, down 32 percent; Baptisms, 2,675, down 10 percent; the Mission Offering stands at $9,159.81 and the Emergency Fund stands at $4,094.90.

Please note: This information is not completely accurate due to the many churches that do not report.

2019 Annual Conference Dates Set

Mark your calendars! The 2019 Annual Conference Session of the Indiana Conference of The United Methodist Church will be June 13-15, 2019 in Indianapolis.

  • Submitted by Chassity Neckers

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