2018 Rwanda Provisional Annual Conference

Location of conference gathering: Gisozi United Methodist Church, Kigali, Rwanda

Dates of conference gathering: Sept. 12-14

Officiating bishop: Bishop Daniel Wandabula, East Africa Episcopal Area

Conference theme: "God, Revive Us Again" (Psalms 85:6)

Guest speakers: The Rev. Guillaume Kachuba and the Rev. Lamarr V. Gibson

Memorable points or quotes by speakers:

Kachuba from Inkuru Nziza Church preached during the opening service. In Scripture taken from the book of Ezechiel 1:1-2 and Ephesians 5:14, his theme was "attitudes to be effective in ministry." He pointed out that:

  • "Your attitudes will determine who you are. Do not look at the challenges you are facing but to God who has called you."
  • "Problems will always be there, problems can't miss, and you can't stop problems, but do not be discouraged because we are more than conquerors. Pray, and God who is able will help you to overcome."
  • "We are not pastors by names but by actions. People will respect you when they see Jesus in you. We have some pastors who do not work and want rewards. Your reward will depend on how you do your ministry."
  • "Other pastors have no vision. A vision is something you plan to do in the future. Vision is like a project and the Bible says: 'Without vision people perish'."

Wandabula affirmed that revival starts from our hearts. "Revival is needed so often because it demonstrates our dependence on God. Revival means to flourish anew, to cause to live again and to regain life. The new life always brings excitement and motivation and that is why the Psalmist was desperate in his prayer for God to revive us again (Psalm 85: 6).

"When you are revived you become invigorated and refreshed. There is renewed vigor to pursue the fullness of your purpose and to make an impact here on earth as you make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world."

In his detailed report, the Rev. Marc Baliyanga, the dean and legal representative of The United Methodist Church in Rwanda, made the following points:

  • Since February of 2018, the work of The United Methodist Church in Rwanda was hindered by the closure of some United Methodist churches and those of other denominations throughout the country. The government closed some of the local churches because they didn't meet standard requirements, including the lack of car parking due to the small sizes of church plots. 
  • In order to help church members during this time of crisis, some met in small groups and prayed, while a majority of members stayed in their homes waiting for their churches to reopen. Other members, because of disappointment and lacking any nearby United Methodist congregations to accommodate them, chose to join other denominations that had churches meeting the requirements.
  • Kigali Wesley Theological School, a United Methodist-related school, was opened. The training contributes to capacity building of pastors in Rwanda. The school started with 30 students. Students will be awarded certificates and diplomas in Bible and Theology after three years of study.
  • Despite the closure of churches and losing some members who joined other Christian denominations, The United Methodist Church in Rwanda has grown due to evangelism efforts. Members also joined the church from a dissolved Divine Prophetic Church. Hence, The United Methodist Church in Rwanda has grown from 38 local churches in 2017 to 44 local churches in 2018, from membership of 9,167 last year  to 10,514 in 2018.

Gibson, a United Methodist clergy from the Wisconsin Conference, was the main guest speaker. He preached during the ordination service, pointing out:

  • "In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells his disciples to make disciples of every nation. We call this the Great Commission. A disciple is a student, one who learns from you, so he or she can teach others. When we make disciples, we build God's kingdom and our church grows."
  • "In Acts 1:8, before he ascends into heaven, Jesus tells his disciples they will be his witnesses, at home in Jerusalem, to persons they consider unacceptable or untouchable, and to persons in far off lands."
  • "You also are to be witnesses, faithful servants of God who hold firm to their faith and its practice in all places regardless of the situation or circumstance you may find yourself to be in."
  • "We are all challenged by the annual conference session's theme: "God, Revive Us Again" (Psalms 85:6). Revival breathes life into places and people who were drained of life by fear, doubt, discouragement or despair. Revival happens when people turn back to God, begin to trust again, and go back to living lives that are faithful to God."
  • "You may not have sufficient confidence in yourself to meet the challenges ahead, but all the confidence you need, God has for you. So, believe in God, don't stop trusting, stay in the race, serve faithfully and see what wondrous things God will do through you."

2018 statistics:

Ordained in full connection: 4
Recognized: 1
Commissioned: 8

UMC Rwanda has grown from 38 local churches in 2017 to 44 local churches in 2018, and from membership of 9,167 last year to 10,514 in 2018.

Immediate needs:

Need of financial assistance to help closed local churches to meet requirements set by the government including water collection systems.

Financial assistance for purchasing land in Kigali city and to build a church. The only church in the city of Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, was closed due to lack of meeting construction requirements and parking. Church members are discouraged.

Need of classes and dormitory for students of Kigali Wesley Theological School.

Resolutions adopted by the conference:

Delegates elected two persons for the 2020 General Conference to represent the Rwanda Provisional Conference following a gender balance policy.

Delegates elected six persons to represent the Rwanda Provisional  Conference at the 2020 Africa Central Conference in Mozambique.

Replacement of Muhanga district by Kamembe district.

Confirmation of legal representative of UMC Rwanda and deputy legal representative.

Venue and dates set for the 2019 session of the Rwanda Provisional Conference: Kigali City, July 29-31.

The annual conference reinforced the Four Areas of Focus through the following:

Developing Principal Christian Leaders

The Rwanda Provisional Conference has opened a United Methodist school, Kigali Wesley Theological School, to train pastors. The new school needs financial support for purchasing a separate house for the location of the school.

Congregational Development

The conference put an effort on evangelism and planting new local churches in all corners in order to reach with the Gospel different communities and to educate people about HIV/AIDS.

Ministry With the Poor

The United Methodist Church in Rwanda has a project through which the church distributes goats and sheep to vulnerable women and men in Rwanda in order to help them fight against poverty. Pastors also offer education and counseling to persons living with HIV/AIDS. The church would like to help orphan children and children from poor families by paying fees for their education, but there is no means.

Improving Global Health

In this area, it is a big challenge to The United Methodist Church in Rwanda because the church has no health center or clinic where people can be cared for or where they can come for health care and assistance. The church sees people dying, including women and children, without delivering health services. The church would like to get the means to annually pay for mutual health insurances for some vulnerable persons in communities surrounding United Methodist churches.

— Alexis Nzabonimpa, communicator for the Rwanda ProvisionalConference

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