2020 annual conference meeting list

United Methodist Communications has compiled a list of 2020 annual conference postponements and plans. The list is incomplete and additions will be made as further details are finalized.

North Central Jurisdiction

Dakotas Conference: Oct. 10.

East Ohio Conference: Sept. 26-27 at Lakeside Chautauqua, Ohio, virtual.

Illinois Great Rivers Conference: Aug. 15, virtual.

Indiana Conference: Aug. 15 in Marion, Indiana, and Oct. 10 in Indianapolis.

Iowa Conference: July 18, virtual legislative session.

Michigan Conference: July 26-29, virtual.

Minnesota Conference: Aug. 29, virtual.

Northern Illinois Conference: Nov.14, virtual.

West Ohio Conference: Sept. 12 in Columbus, Ohio. In-person and virtual.

Wisconsin Conference: Oct. 23-24 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.


Northeastern Jurisdiction

Baltimore-Washington Conference: Sept. 12 at a site TBD.

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference: Oct. 13, virtual; Oct. 14 in Oaks, also livestreamed.

Greater New Jersey: Oct. 5-6, virtual.

New England Conference: Oct. 17, virtual.

New York Conference: Oct. 24, virtual.

Peninsula-Delaware Conference: Oct. 24 in Easton, Maryland; Nov. 13-14 in Dover, Delaware.

Susquehanna Conference: Oct. 3 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.

Upper New York Conference: Oct. 2-3 in Syracuse, New York.

West Virginia Conference: Aug. 1-2 in Buckhannon, West Virginia.

Western Pennsylvania Conference: Oct. 3 in Erie, Pennsylvania.


South Central Jurisdiction

Arkansas Conference: June 13, virtual.

Central Texas Conference: Aug. 9-11 in Southlake, Texas.

Great Plains Conference: Canceled.

Louisiana Conference: Sept. 18-19 in Baton Rouge with an alternate date of Nov. 20-21.

Missouri Conference: August 22, virtual.

New Mexico Conference: Aug. 28-29 in Roswell, New Mexico.

Northwest Texas Conference: Aug. 15 in Lubbock, Texas.

Oklahoma Conference: Nov. 20-21 in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference: No information about annual conference meeting.

Rio Texas Conference: Oct. 3, one-day, in-person session.

Texas Conference: Aug. 14-15 in multiple locations, TBD; primary broadcast site at The Woodlands, Texas.


Southeast Jurisdiction

Alabama-West Florida Conference: June 28-29, virtual.

Florida Conference: Sept. 19, location TBD.

Holston Conference: June 27, virtual.

Kentucky Conference: Dec. 8-9 in Covington, Kentucky.

Memphis Conference: Sept. 25-26 in Germantown, Tennessee.

Mississippi Conference: July 26-27 in Jackson, Mississippi.

North Alabama Conference: Aug. 16-17 in Huntsville, Alabama.

North Carolina Conference: June 18, virtual.

North Georgia Conference: Aug. 28-29 in Atlanta.

Red Bird Missionary Conference: Sept. 12 in Frakes, Kentucky.

South Carolina Conference: Postponed.

South Georgia Conference: Aug. 2, Aug 15, virtual.

Tennessee Conference: Sept. 18-19, virtual.

Virginia Conference: Sept. 18-19, TBD.

Western North Carolina Conference: Aug. 8 in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina.


Western Jurisdiction

Alaska: Sept. 15, virtual.

Sept. 16, virtual.

Pacific Northwest:
Sept. 17, virtual.

California-Nevada Conference: Sept. 18-21 in Modesto, California.

Cal-Pac Conference: June 18-20, virtual

Desert Southwest Conference: June 12-13, virtual.

Mountain Sky: June 19-20, virtual.


Central Conferences

Philippines Central Conference

Bicol Philippines Provisional, postponed, TBD.

Central Luzon, postponed TBD.

Hundred Islands, postponed TBD.

Middle Philippines, postponed TBD.

Mindanao Philippines, postponed TBD.

Northern, postponed TBD.

Northeast, postponed TBD.

Northeast Luzon, postponed TBD.

North Central, postponed TBD.

Northwest, postponed TBD.

Palawan, postponed TBD.

Pangasinan, postponed TBD.

Philippines, postponed TBD.

South Nueva Ecija, postponed TBD.

South West Philippines, postponed TBD.

Tarlac Philippines, postponed TBD.

Visayas Philippines, postponed TBD.


Central and Southern Europe

Austria Conference: Postponed, Salzburg, plans TBD.

Bulgaria and Romania Conference. Postponed, TBD.

Czechia and Slovak Conference: Postponed, Prague-Czechia, TBD.

Hungary Conference: Postponed, Budapest, TBD.

Poland Conference: June 26-28 in Katowice.

Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania Conference: Oct. 22-25, TBD.

Switzerland, France, and North Africa Conference: Nov. 13-14 in Switzerland.


Germany Central Conference

East Germany Conference: Oct. 9-11, Annaberg, Saxonia.

North Germany Conference: Canceled.

South Germany Conference: Sept. 12, TBD.


Northern Europe and Eurasia

Central Russia Conference: August, virtual.

Denmark Conference: Postponed, TBD.

Eastern Russia- Kazakhstan Provisional: August, virtual.

Estonia Conference: Postponed, TBD.

Finland-Finish Provisional: Postponed, TBD.

Finland-Swedish Provisional: Postponed, TBD.  

Latvia: Postponed, TBD.

Lithuania: Postponed, TBD.

Norway Conference: Postponed, TBD.

North West Russia Provisional: August, virtual.

Southern Russia Provisional: August, virtual.

Ukraine, Moldova Provisional: August, virtual.


Africa Central Conference

Burundi Conference: Postponed to Dec.-Feb., TBD.

East Zimbabwe Conference: Dec., TBD.

Mozambique North Conference: Oct. 22-25 in Beira, Mozambique.

Mozambique South Conference: Dec. 10-13 in Xai-Xai, Mozambique.

Mozambique Southeast Conference: Dec. 3-6 in Chicuque, Mozambique.

West Zimbabwe Conference: December, TBD.


Congo Central Conference

East Congo Conference: Postponed, TBD.

Kivu Conference: Postponed, TBD.

Oriental and Equator Conference: Postponed, TBD.


East Africa Episcopal Area

Kenya/Ethiopia Annual Conference: Postponed, TBD.


West Africa Central Conference

Côte d'Ivoire Conference: Postponed, TBD.

Liberia Conference: Held in February.

Sierra Leone Conference: Held in March.


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