Name of conference: North Texas Annual Conference
Location of conference gathering: First United Methodist Church in Richardson, Texas
Dates of conference gathering: June 5-7, 2022
Did the gathering have a theme or slogan, and if so, what was it?Vision
Did the coronavirus affect how the conference met? No. This year we returned to a fully in-person conference, with livestreaming available for observation only (no remote interaction).
Officiating bishop: Bishop Michael McKee
Guest speakers and memorable points or quotes by speakers:
The Rev. Rebekah Miles (Laity Session)
- “Why does hope not disappoint us? It’s not because of our own resources. That’ll get you a ways. ... But that won’t get us to the transformation of our own lives or the transformation of the world. What will get us there is only the transforming power of God’s love.”
- “When God’s love finds its way in our hearts, it’s a troubling love. It won’t leave you the same; it will transform your heart; it will transform your church. It’s a love that won’t leave you the same. It’s a love that will change everything about your relationships. It will ultimately be a love that transforms the world.”
Louisiana Conference Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey (Opening Worship)
- “The Gospel calls us to stop seeing with our eyes and start seeing with our hearts. In order to see with our hearts we must be in community with one another.”
- “God’s purpose for us is that we live a life of purpose, a life of promise, a life of hope, a life of innovation, curiosity and creativity, a life of vision. A life for all of God’s people. Don’t settle for anything less.”
- “This is what it means to live out the Gospel. That is what it looks like to be a people of vision — a church confident in what God has done and is doing in Christ Jesus for all humankind. A church committed to personal and social salvation and transformation. A church that is courageous in dismantling the powers of racism. A church where all have a home, whether they are Black or white or brown or Asian or anything else. Young, old, gay, straight, broken or not. And whether they have their ‘stuff’ together or not. Whether they consider themselves liberal, evangelical, progressive, traditionalist, middle of the road, conservative, centrist or something else. The United Methodist Church, friends, is big enough because the power of God and the work of the Holy Spirit is big enough. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise."
West Ohio Conference Bishop Gregory V. Palmer (Keynote)
- “Jesus is sometimes really quite burdensome. I mean, he just kind of gets in the way. You actually mean you want me to love everybody? Well, that’s just a nuisance! … It seems to just get in the way, but I can’t un-hear it and I can't un-know it. How am I choosing to love?”
- “The world needs us to embody Jesus in the world. If we spent some time looking at what are the barriers to that — imagine the movement we could be instead of just an institution.”
- “I hope you don’t want to live in a world that is color blind, gender blind, culture blind. I get that you think it’s a peachy-keen thing to say. But I want to be seen and I don’t want the color and the history of my race to be something that is merely tolerated.”
Main actions enacted by the conference:
- Passed resolutions regarding:
- Gun Violence (Laity Session)
- Hate Crimes (Clergy Session)
- Free and Fair Elections
- Trans Youth and Families
- Heard proposed resolutions regarding:
- Protecting the Legislative Purpose of the Annual Conference
- Promoting Opportunity for Delegate Diversity in the Annual Conference
- Blessing and Providing Clarity to Disaffiliating Congregations in the North Texas Conference
- Extended covenant relationships with:
- CC Young Senior Living
- Dallas Bethlehem Center, Inc.
- Methodist Children’s Home
- Methodist Hospitals of Dallas dba Methodist Health System
- Wesley Village Retirement Home, Inc.
- Wesley-Rankin Community Center, Inc.
Did any churches disaffiliate or leave the conference (and if so, please list each church)? No
Number of churches that closed because no longer sustainable:
- Anna United Methodist Church
- Casa Linda United Methodist Church
- Garvin United Methodist Church
- Lannius United Methodist Church
COVID-19 was not a factor in any of these church closings.
Any special annual conference set: No
Did your clergy session approve any openly gay candidates for ministry? If so, how many?
The board of ordained ministry does not ask candidates their orientation and only approves persons for commissioning and ordination on the basis of their calling, theology and gifts for ministry. We don’t have official knowledge of anyone’s sexual orientation.
Names of delegates for General Conference and designation of lay or clergy:
- The Rev. Cammy Gaston (C)
- The Rev. Clayton Oliphint (C)
- Jessica Vittorio (L)
- Kelly Carpenter (L)
- Kenneth Wolverton (L)
- The Rev. Maria Dixon Hall (C)
- Shandon Klein (L)
- The Rev. Stan Copeland (C)
Number of people ordained, commissioned or received into associate membership, and average age:
The conference ordained 11 people, with an average age of 41 and commissioned seven with an average age of 36. The conference also recognized the orders of one clergy member, who is 51.
Number of clergy retired: 13
Membership stands at 119,477 down 4,399 from the previous year.
Worship attendance stands at 105,042, up 8,829.
Church school attendance stands at 16,146, down 1,403.
Professions or reaffirmations of faith for 2021 1,651, up 55 from 2020.
Adults and young adults in small groups for 2021 was 75,349, up 15,390 from 2020.
Worshippers engaged in mission for 2021 was 36,848, down 5,457 from 2020.
— Pam Hughes, director of communications