2023 Holston Annual Conference

Six weeks after ratifying the disaffiliation of 264 congregations, members of the remaining 578 churches of the Holston Annual Conference met for their regular 2023 session June 4-7 in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. 

The theme was “Worship Together,” following the “Read Together” (Bible-reading plan) and “Pray Together” themes initiated by Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett since her assignment as Holston’s resident bishop in September 2021. 

In her “State of the Church” report, Wallace-Padgett said a recent serious car accident — which she and her husband survived without injuries — has given her a “recalibrated perspective” on life. She compared her response to the ordeal with Holston’s opportunity to reassess and refocus after the loss of 31% of Holston’s local churches and 16% of active and retired clergy by withdrawal from the denomination. 

“Ultimately, all is well,” she said to applause. “And here’s the reason: The head of the church, Jesus Christ, has risen from the dead.”

Instead of focusing on buildings, finances and statistics, Holston Conference is focused on discipleship — “passionate, spiritual disciples and passionate, spiritual leaders,” Wallace-Padgett said. She cited ways that Holston leaders have been working to help the remaining 117,378 church members and 742 clergy as they make new disciples and pursue their personal discipleship journeys. Those steps include: 

  • The Extended Cabinet and other teams are working with Spiritual Leadership Inc. coaching group.
  • The Invitation Team has committed to building unity among “theologically diverse” members.
  • A director of multicultural ministries position has been created and staffed.
  • The congregational development team is providing training and resources to create “Fresh Expressions” of United Methodism. 

Wallace-Padgett reported that the coming year will be a transitional year as the cabinet drops from nine to seven district superintendents and the Strategy Team works on realigning the budget and districts.

In a report from the cabinet, the Rev. Kim Goddard echoed Wallace-Padgett’s emphasis on discipleship. “We’ve switched gears,” she said. “The conversation in cabinet meetings and the work in the districts has shifted to a new ‘D’ word. Not disaffiliation. That word is discipleship.”

Goddard also commented on the cabinet’s sadness as they worked with disaffiliating churches and clergy over the past year. 

“We have been called upon, over and over and over, to do something that is completely antithetical to our calling as Christians and our calling as clergy,” Goddard said. “We have been asked to help people, to help colleagues and friends, to help churches, walk away. And we have administered those votes, and it broke our hearts.” 

In other actions, the conference: 

Joined in worship together, with preaching by Bishop Gregory V. Palmer in two of six occasions. Palmer, resident bishop of the West Ohio Conference, preached at the Monday mission celebration and Wednesday sending-forth service. Other preachers included the Rev. Walter Cross, the Rev. Reed Shell, and the Rev. Sarah Slack, all of Holston. Palmer also led a Tuesday teaching session on the sacraments.

Celebrated an offering of $36,616 for Ishe Anesu Project in Zimbabwe and $26,401 for Change for Children (grants for local and international children’s ministries). 

Celebrated the collection of 4,778 kits -- full of food, school, health and home supplies valued at $114,000 – bound for United Methodist missions in Zimbabwe and Liberia.

Approved a 2024 budget of $8.18 million, a decrease from the approved 2023 budget of $8.89 million. Despite ongoing spending reductions, a budget shortfall is anticipated in 2023, said Carolyn Kidd, Council on Finance and Administration president.

Approved a campaign to raise $1.5 million to develop new church leaders, culminating in the June 2024 missions offering. The “New Voices” funds will invest in Holston’s five camps, five Wesley Foundations and two colleges ($125,000 each).

Heard about a congregational development goal to start 25 new “holy experiments” or “fresh expressions” by June 2024. 

Licensed four local pastors, commissioned five elders and two deacons, ordained three elders, and recognized the orders of one deacon and one elder from other denominations.

  • Recognized 26 retiring clergy.
  • Memorialized 24 clergy and 19 clergy spouses who died in the past year. 
  • Approved the closing of eight local churches: Carter’s Station in Greeneville, Tennessee; Clear Springs in Limestone, Tennessee; Community in Kingsport, Tennessee; Jellico in Jellico, Tennessee; Out of the Box in Hillsville, Virginia; St. Charles in St. Charles, Virginia; Swan Pond in Harriman, Tennessee; and Sycamore Tree in Maryville, Tennessee.
  • Presented Harry Denman Evangelism Awards to the Rev. Jason Gattis, Smoky Mountain District superintendent; Jane Currin, Concord United Methodist Church mission director; and Kate Ford, youth member at Cokesbury United Methodist Church.  
  • Presented the Francis Asbury Award for higher education to the Rev. Beth Tipton, director of the Wesley Foundation at University of Virginia College at Wise.
  • Launched a yearlong celebration of Holston Conference’s bicentennial.  
  • Celebrated Holston’s sponsorship of Spanish-speaking church members to participate in “Hispanic Christian Academy,” an online United Theological Seminary program, preparing students for eligibility to study for master’s degrees in divinity. 
  • Learned about visions for multicultural ministries from the Rev. Leah Burns, recently appointed as the first associate director of connectional ministries for multicultural ministries. 
  • Learned about “Cultivate Faith” resources that help children’s ministries shift from programs to helping parents nurture spiritual development in their families.
  • Approved the Extended Cabinet’s resolution to work with other annual conferences for General Conference legislation to provide a “gracious, fair and nonpunitive separation process” for local churches.
  • Approved a UMC Next Holston resolution in support of a U.S. regional conference. The vote was 443 to 102.
  • Postponed “indefinitely” a UMC Next Holston resolution calling on clergy and lay members intending to disaffiliate from the denomination to recuse themselves from church leadership roles. The vote was 313 to 235.
  • Approved a resolution, submitted by Danny Tullier, aspiring to a future in the denomination “where LGBTQIA+ people will be protected, affirmed, and empowered in the life and ministry of the church.” The vote was 339 to 223. 
  • Referred a resolution, submitted by the Rev. Larry Dial, calling for Holston’s nine districts to be renamed by cities within their boundaries to the Strategy Team.

Based on end-of-2022 reports, membership stands at 151,946, down 2,969 from the previous year. 

(In person) worship attendance stands at 35,083, up 4,024.

Church school attendance stands at 14,973, up 406.

Professions or reaffirmations of faith stands at 383, up 49.

Adults and young adults in small groups stands at 25,554, down 635.

Worshippers engaged in mission stands at 25,474, up 1,236.

— Annette Spence, editor of Holston Conference’s The Call

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