Churches Dealing with Disaster

When disaster strikes, United Methodists respond with prayers and support.

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Learn from the stories of United Methodists congregations that have faced hardship, healing and hope after disasters.

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Disaster preparedness and response

Storms and flood

Part I of this series shares how the United Methodist Committee on Relief responds to disasters. The next four segments tell the stories of three churches — in Alabama, Indiana and North Dakota — that are recovering from tornadoes and floods.


During 2012 and early 2013, fire destroyed or damaged more than a dozen United Methodist church properties across the United States. This special news series reported on the damage from those fires, the response to the affected congregations and what churches can do to protect themselves.

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Disaster Relief
Leaders with the Association of the Korean United Methodist Church of the California-Pacific Conference visit and pray at Altadena United Methodist Church on Feb. 24. The historic African American church in Altadena, California, was destroyed by wildfire in January. Photo by the Rev. Thomas E. Kim, UM News.

Korean-led campaign raises funds for wildfire relief

A campaign that transcended ethnic and regional boundaries raised more than $27,000 for recovery efforts and aid in California.
Disaster Relief
Emile Odimba, coordinator of the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s disaster management office in central Congo, helps distribute supplies to flood survivors in Kinshasa, Congo. More than 3,500 people lost their homes in massive flooding last year. Photo by the Rev. Fiston Okito, UM News.

Church provides aid for Congo flood survivors

With financial support from UMCOR and Global Ministries, the church distributed food, medicine and other supplies to thousands of people in central Congo.
Social Concerns
An instructor and student share a teaching microscope at Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe, in 2017. File photo by Mike DuBose, UM News.

USAID freeze strikes Africa University

United Methodist-related Africa University is among the institutions struggling as employees with jobs funded by the United States Agency for International Development stop getting paychecks.

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