Daily Digest - August 30, 2022

“These are unusual times that demand excellent leaders who will not only have to quickly understand the complexity of the current context but also help lead the church into its next expression.” Council of Bishops President Thomas J. Bickerton on the challenges facing new bishops. 


Bishops plan for the election of new colleagues

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — The United Methodist Council of Bishops concluded its meeting preparing to welcome new episcopal leaders early next year. The new bishops will be coming aboard as the denomination deals with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and undergoes a fracturing unseen in any current United Methodist’s lifetime. Heather Hahn reports. 
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Read Council of Bishops press release

Holston Conference
United Methodists put ‘legs on the prayers’

ALCOA, Tenn. — United Methodists in Holston Conference moved beyond prayers and got to work after learning about devastating floods and storms recently experienced by neighbors in Eastern Kentucky and Southwest Virginia. Annette Spence has a roundup of church responses.
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Dakotas Conference
Church caters to brain differences

WEST FARGO, N.D. — Flame of Faith United Methodist Church, spurred by a member who is a psychology professor, has made strides helping children and adults with attention deficit disorder and autism be more comfortable in church. The church has fidgets, weighted lap pads and noise-canceling headphones available to help people who might get stressed while worshipping. There is also a quiet room where people can go when they’re overwhelmed. Doreen Gosmire reports.
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Duke Divinity School
Seminary faculty join in climate change event

BEAUFORT, N.C. — Duke Divinity School faculty joined professors from Duke University’s Nicholas School for the Environment in a recent event titled “Pastoral Care for Climate Change.” Faculty from both schools offered presentations at the Duke Marine Lab. Duke Divinity is one of the 13 United Methodist seminaries in the U.S.
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Iowa Conference
Bishop Haller announces retirement

DES MOINES, Iowa — Bishop Laurie Haller will retire at the end of 2022, she announced. Haller is on medical leave after a Feb. 16 fall that resulted in a concussion and fractured wrist. She plans to return to her work in the Iowa Conference on Oct. 1 and continue through the end of the year. Haller said she is looking forward to traveling, writing and spending time with her children and grandchildren in retirement. Retired Bishop Deborah Kiesey will continue to lead the Dakotas Conference until the end of the year.
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UM News includes in the Daily Digest various commentaries about issues in the denomination. The opinion pieces reflect a variety of viewpoints and are the opinions of the writers, not UM News staff. 

Discipleship Ministries
Gen Alpha is new church challenge

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — There’s a new generation churches need to reach, this one dubbed Gen Alpha. That refers to people born starting in 2010. They are diverse, fully immersed online almost from birth and many live in “unconventional” homes, meaning single-parent, blended and multiple-partner families. Patricia Peña of Path 1 offers some tips. 
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United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy
Exploring how church tensions affect relationships

DENVER — A team of United Methodist pastoral counselors will lead a Zoom webinar titled “Fracturing Family and Friendships: Inevitable Consequences of UM Splintering?” at 6 p.m. U.S. Mountain time Sept. 20. United Methodist Association of Retired Clergy and Friends, a group that intends to remain United Methodist, is sponsoring the free webinar. 
Learn more and register

West Ohio Conference
Harvard expert to talk leadership

WORTHINGTON, Ohio — Ronald Heifetz of Harvard University will present “Leadership to Meet the Adaptive Challenges Facing the Church” during Bishop Gregory Palmer’s Sept. 16 leadership clinic on Zoom. The cost to attend is $30 for Ohio leaders and $40 for others. There is a special rate available to participate in Palmer’s next three leadership classes. 
Read press release and register
Register for three classes


Hurricane turned church into maternity ward

Ask The UMC: Does the church support workers' rights?


Thursday, Sept. 1

#StillInMission, a conversation with United Methodist missionaries

Tuesday, Sept. 6-Saturday, Sept. 17
Online course: Come to the Waters

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