"This is an important stage, but we still need a lot of care and consideration for each other, so that the plant of trust can grow and flourish in our churches." — Bishop Harald Rückert on a plan by The United Methodist Church in Germany to move forward on human sexuality matters.
Norway, Germany move to more inclusivity
FRANKFURT, Germany (UM News) — A top committee of The United Methodist Church in Germany agreed to be more open on human sexuality matters, while the Norway Conference plans to issue a public apology to LGBTQ people. Karl Anders Ellingsen and Klaus Ulrich Ruof report from Norway and Germany.
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Holston Conference
Donations help save Virginia church
BISHOP, Va. — A year ago, the Rev. Daniel Bradley went to his district superintendent with only $56 in his tiny church's bank account, afraid it would be closed. Today, Alexander Memorial United Methodist is leading a vital meal ministry that has received $40,000 in cash donations from people in several states. Annette Spence reports.
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Greater New Jersey Conference
New Jersey church undaunted by pandemic
WILLIAMSTOWN, N.J. — First United Methodist Church in Williamstown was growing before the pandemic and has held together well throughout it, including keeping mission work going. Thanks to a United Methodist Communications grant for help with marketing, the rural church is poised for more growth.
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Rethink Church
Video addresses 'What is God?'
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Rev. Stephen Handy, lead pastor of McKendree United Methodist Church, discusses the nature of God in a new video. It is the first of a four-part series.
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Perkins School of Theology
Perkins honors Underwood, Hall
DALLAS — Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University has named co-recipients for its 2020 Distinguished Alumnus/a Award. The Revs. Don Underwood and Sid Hall are both longtime United Methodist pastors in Texas.
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UM News includes in the Daily Digest various commentaries about issues in the denomination. The opinion pieces reflect a variety of viewpoints and are the opinions of the writers, not the UM News staff.
New England Conference
Bishop Devadhar: 'Only God knows such things'
METHUEN, Mass. — Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, New England Conference Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar has been asked if he thinks "we are in the end times." People have been asking this question for centuries, he points out. It is a fear that he first heard voiced as an elementary school student in India.
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Salvaging Christmas amid coronavirus concerns
Shining a light on servanthood during pandemic
Thursday, Dec. 3
Webinar: Relationships in a Pandemic — Building Resiliency During Unique Challenges
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