"This pandemic has brought untold suffering on our people, especially the rural women. The intervention of UMCOR is very timely." — Ntube Beatrice Diffang, coordinator for the United Methodist Women Association in Cameroon, on food relief for internally displaced people.
Providing food for internally displaced families
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (UM News) — Insecurity and the COVID-19 pandemic have worsened the livelihood of internally displaced people in the region. The United Methodist Church in Cameroon, supported by a grant from the UMCOR COVID-19 Relief Fund, has provided food and other aid to those struggling. Collette Ndobe reports.
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Young United Methodist activist uses her voice
INDIANAPOLIS — Taylor Hall, a United Methodist and granddaughter of United Theological Seminary President Kent Millard, has drawn media attention for her activism in the wake of the George Floyd killing. Hall, 19, helped lead peaceful demonstrations in Indianapolis, recorded a song titled "I Can't Breathe" and met with local leaders as part of a group called Black Women in Charge. Lauren Kostiuk has the story.
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Global Ministries/UMCOR
Partners work together for asylum seekers
ATLANTA — It has been a long journey for Mo Lin, from fleeing China after being targeted for his participation in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests to receiving a visa to live in the U.S. It is for people like Lin, who arrive seeking protection and safety, that the United Methodist Committee on Relief partnered with Church World Service and National Justice For Our Neighbors last year. Christie R. House has the story.
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UMCOR, partners start asylum seekers project
United Methodist Communications
United Methodist podcasters kibitz
TOPEKA, Kan. — The Rev. Joe Iovino devotes his latest "Get Your Spirit in Shape" podcast to a United Methodist colleague's work in the same medium. Todd Seifert, communications director of the Great Plains Conference, shares how he got going with his own podcast, "In Layman's Terms."
Listen to "Get Your Spirit in Shape" episode
Sample "In Layman's Terms"
UM News includes in the Daily Digest various commentaries about issues in the denomination. The opinion pieces reflect a variety of viewpoints and are the opinions of the writers, not the UM News staff.
Northern Illinois Conference
A personal story about white privilege
CHICAGO — Growing up in a financially challenged household, Bishop Sally Dyck didn't consider herself privileged. The bishop of the Chicago Episcopal Area recounts the advantages she now knows she had because of her white skin.
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The New Yorker
Back to church but not back to normal
TROY, N.Y. — Bill McKibben, a United Methodist, writes in The New Yorker about attending his first outdoor worship service since the COVID-19 crisis shuttered buildings around the world. "The point of church is not just comfort or familiarity," he writes.
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Native Americans joyful about SCOTUS decision
Commentary: Growing up with institutional racism
Monday, July 20-Saturday, Aug. 22
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