“As followers of a Christ who spoke truth to power and held both religious and political leaders accountable for the care for all God's people, we likewise must speak out against injustice in all of its forms.” — Baltimore church leaders in a statement defending their city.
Church leaders affirm Baltimore
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — Bishop LaTrelle Miller Easterling and the Rev. Wanda Bynum Duckett defended their beloved city of Baltimore in the wake of disparaging tweets from President Donald Trump. Kathy L. Gilbert reports.
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Hospital changes debt-collection policies
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UM News) — A United Methodist-affiliated hospital system is changing its policies after making headlines for suing its own employees for unpaid medical bills. The church connection contributed to the change. Heather Hahn reports.
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Filipino cooperative models faith in action
SAN ISIDRO, Philippines (UM News) — Since 2002, the Wesley Savings and Multipurpose Cooperative has transformed lives and livelihoods in the Philippines. The cooperative has provided tools for economic self-sufficiency, while growing from 30 to 1,500 members. Gladys P. Mangiduyos has the story.
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Board of Church and Society
Middle Eastern Caucus works to relieve trauma
WASHINGTON — Migrants have told workers with The Middle Eastern United Methodist Caucus that they have found “real hope” listening to the message of the Gospel. The Rev. Zaki Labib Zaki, founder and president of the caucus, reflects on its work with displaced people.
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Commission on Archives and History
Meet Brother Van, Montana missionary
FORT BENTON, Mont. — William Wesley Van Ordsel, a Methodist missionary, arrived in Montana on June 30, 1872. The only building open to him was the saloon, where he preached and earned the nickname Brother Van. Archives and History has more on the preacher who set the tone for Methodism in Big Sky Country.
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Pew Research Center
What Americans know about religion
WASHINGTON — Most Americans are familiar with some of the basics of Christianity and the Bible, and even a few facts about Islam. But far fewer U.S. adults are able to correctly answer factual questions about Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.
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Cameroon churches affected by military conflict
New Charlottesville church draws suspicions
Saturday, Aug. 17
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