“There are many students here for whom English isn’t their first language, but through music, they have one of the most powerful tools to communicate ideas and emotions.” — Kevin Kwon, volunteer teacher for Haven United Methodist Church’s Community Music Project.
Church’s free music lessons transform community
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UM News) — Haven United Methodist Church had been experiencing both financial and congregational decline over an extended period and was at risk of closing. When the Rev. Juhee Lee was appointed as part-time pastor in 2019, the congregation decided to become a mission-oriented church. The church’s Community Music Project has become its most significant ministry. The Rev. Thomas E. Kim has the story.
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Church leader in Kenya remembered as father figure
KISUMU, Kenya (UM News) — Friends and colleagues say the Rev. Carol Alois Ososo was a “statesman of integrity” who mentored countless young people and contributed to the growth of The United Methodist Church in Kenya. The retired dean of superintendents for the Kenya-Ethiopia Conference died Feb. 19 at age 77. Bernard Amani Mudiri reports.
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Iowa Conference
Prison ministry supports families
MELVIN, Iowa — The prison ministry of Melvin United Methodist Church includes $25 gift cards for families of inmates to use for gas expenses. The ministry also includes letters of support and conversations about issues such as solitary confinement, overcrowding and the impact of understaffing on correctional facilities. The church’s prison ministry has inspired volunteerism within the congregation and fostered meaningful connections with the broader community. Darcy Schultz reports.
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Dakotas Conference
Students dig deeper at conference
MITCHELL, S.D. — A student studying to be a counselor picked up information on becoming a United Methodist deacon at Exploration 2024 in Orlando, Florida. Abby Ferris, a member of First United Methodist Church in Pierre, was among about 160 participants at the Feb. 16-18 event. It included keynote speakers, workshops, small-group interaction time and worship. “I can see myself serving as a deacon in a counseling role for clergy and church leaders,” she said. Doreen Gosmire has the story.
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South Georgia Conference
Church establishes education fund for 2 kids
WRIGHTSVILLE, Ga. — Wrightsville First United Methodist Church has made children a focus of ministry. Part of that focus includes setting up an education fund for the two children of a former pastor whose wife died last year of cancer. Kelly Roberson reports.
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Michigan Conference
Mental health stressed at Michigan church
HOLLAND, Mich. — First United Methodist Church of Holland is stressing the mental health of parishioners, starting with the founding of a Mental Health Ministry Team. The team consists of two medical doctors and a therapist, all members of the congregation. They have added a low-sensory worship space, offered a sermon series on well-being and set up alternative activities for children who exhibit fear or have difficulty bonding. Faith Green Timmons has the story.
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UM News includes in the Daily Digest various commentaries about issues in the denomination. The opinion pieces reflect a variety of viewpoints and are the opinions of the writers, not UM News staff.
United Methodist Communications
Moving from consumerism to commitment in faith
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Rev. Joseph Yoo fears that, too often, churches fall into the trap of becoming service providers. “People come into church with a consumerist mentality, and churches, afraid of losing people (and the metrics of attendance and giving they bring), try to meet the demands of these consumers,” he writes. “You can’t be both a consumer and a disciple.”
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Monday, March 4-Friday, March 15
Online course: Becoming Accountable Disciples
Monday, March 18-Saturday, March 30
Lenten study: Rediscover the Power of Praying the Lord’s Prayer
Fresh expressions needed in funding, too
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UM News) — Churches need to get more creative to fund their ministries instead of relying on what they get in collection plates, say participants of the recent Fresh Expressions national conference. Options for alternative funding include applying for grants and running small businesses. Jim Patterson has the story.
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UM News: Fresh Expressions movement offers hope
United Methodist Communications
Experiencing Holy Week through art
GREENSBORO, N.C. — Artists at West Market Street United Methodist Church were asked to depict the Stations of the Cross through various mediums. As they interpreted the Scriptures of Holy Week, these United Methodists found themselves experiencing Christ’s crucifixion ― and their own faith ― in new ways. United Methodist Communications has a video.
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Missouri Conference
Turning wedding gowns into Angel Gowns
GRANDVIEW, Mo. — Diane Wright of Grandview United Methodist Church takes donated used wedding gowns and turns them into Angel Gowns for the burial of stillborn infants. She’s repurposed 626 wedding gowns into nearly 6,000 Angel Gowns over the past 10 years, working with hospitals in her area. Fred Koenig reports on Wright’s ministry of comfort to grieving parents.
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Finance and Administration
Agency unveils video on budget process
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The General Council on Finance and Administration has released an educational video designed to provide members and delegates with an understanding of the intricacies behind The United Methodist Church’s budget-crafting and allocation. “Understanding the UMC’s Budget Process” is the third installment in the ongoing “Data-Driven Discernment: Charting Hope at General Conference” campaign.
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UM News: Amid church losses, proposed budget slashed
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