Bishop Scott Jones is the resident bishop of the Texas Conference.
He spoke with UM News as part of “Seeing a Way Forward,” a video series featuring different perspectives of church leaders on the work of the Commission on a Way Forward.
Click on links below to watch videos.
Bishop evaluates Way Forward plans
Bishop Scott Jones of the Texas Conference weighed the pros and cons of the three plans from the Commission on a Way Forward that delegates to the special 2019 General Conference will consider.
Bishop seeks to dispel misunderstanding about Way Forward plans
Though he doesn’t feel bishops should publicly support any particular plan, Texas Conference Bishop Scott Jones uses his FaceBook page and blog to help address concerns and even misconceptions some may have about three plans to be considered at the special 2019 General Conference.
Some Way Forward plans “need to be fixed”
Bishop Scott Jones of the Texas Conference discusses the implications of an October 2018 Judicial Council decision that declared parts of both the One Church and Traditional plans to be unconstitutional and in need of revision.
No action by GC2019 would affirm church’s traditional teaching
There has been some concern that none of the Way Forward plans being considered at the special 2019 General Conference will pass. If so, Texas Conference Bishop Scott Jones says that would mean current denominational standards continue, but it also means that bishops will not gain additional provisions for holding accountable those who willfully violate the Book of Discipline.
Church leaders need to stay focused on mission
Bishop Scott Jones of the Texas Conference disagrees that the church’s stance on homosexuality is the most important issue. He feels continuing the “missionary movement” of the denomination should take precedent.
Hopes for the future of The United Methodist Church
“We need to love each other, and disagree without being disagreeable,” says Bishop Scott Jones of the Texas Conference. In the midst of conflict over the church’s stance on homosexuality, he maintains a hope for unity.
This is the 14th in a series of video interviews by United Methodist News Service. View all interviews.
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