Newly elected Bishops Emmanuel Sinzohagera (clockwise from top left), Moisés Jungo, João Sambo and Gift Machinga receive their episcopal pins from Bishops LaTrelle Easterling and Thomas Bickerton. Photos by Eveline Chikwanah and Priscilla Muzerengwa, UM News.
AfricaCentral Conference elects 4 bishops
JOHANNESBURG (UM News) — The Africa Central Conference has elected four new bishops to lead the Burundi-Rwanda, East Angola, Zimbabwe and Mozambique episcopal areas. The Rev. Emmanuel Sinzohagera, dean of superintendents and speaker of the Senate in Burundi, was the first elected on March 15, followed by the Rev. Moisés Bernardo Jungo, a pastor in Angola; the Rev. Gift Kudakwashe Machinga, a pastor in Zimbabwe; and the Rev. João Filimone Sambo, administrative assistant and episcopal secretary to Mozambique Bishop Joaquina F. Nhanala. Eveline Chikwanah reports. Emmanuel Sinzohagera Moisés Jungo Gift Machinga João Sambo Read Council of Bishops press release
NorthernIllinois Conference Church faces storm’s damage with hope
ELGIN, Ill. — Despite losing half of its roof during a suspected microburst late March 14, the people of First United Methodist Church in Elgin are looking ahead even as they wipe away tears. Storms racing across much of the Midwest over the weekend ripped apart buildings and killed at least 40 people. Now United Methodists are picking up the pieces and urging donations to the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Victoria Rebeck reports. Read story Donate to UMCOR’s U.S. Disaster Response
Alabama-West Florida Conference Inter-denominational event connects students
FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. — For the seventh year in a row, students here gathered for the annual Challenge Weekend event. Led in part by Trinity United Methodist Church, the three-day, multisite gathering highlights the connection of youth across denominational lines as well as the importance of local churches working together in ministry. The Rev. Kelli Hitchman-Craig has the story. Read story
California-Nevada Conference Pacific Islander group names officers
HONOLULU — The Pacific Islanders National Caucus of The United Methodist Church and Pacific Islander Ministry Plan siblings met in Hawaii in February for revival and election of officers for the next four years. Present were representatives from United Methodist caucuses such as the Tongans, Fijians and the Samoans. Kalesita Fa’asisila reports. Read story
UnitedMethodist Men Men’s organization launches new website
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — United Methodist Men has transitioned to a new and refreshed website following its rebrand in late 2023. The website hosts information and resources for United Methodist Men and Scouting Ministries. It also offers information on the group’s new United Men’s Ministry app. Read press release Visit website
Wesleyan Impact Partners Wesleyan Impact names innovation award winners
AUSTIN, Texas — Wesleyan Impact Partners, a United Methodist partner, has announced its four 2025 Locke Innovative Leader Award honorees. The awards recognize “individuals who demonstrate exceptional creativity and leadership in developing new practices and ministries that expand the reach of God’s love.” Read press release
Religion Communicators Council Convention focuses on ‘Bridging Beliefs’
CINCINNATI — Registration is now open for the Religion Communicators Council Convention on April 24-26 in Salt Lake City. Themed “Bridging Beliefs: Cooperation Through Communication,” the convention will feature an interfaith panel, workshops, awards and speakers including Tami Pyfer of “The Dignity Index”; Chet Thomas and Darin Fletcher, producers of “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” discussing faith and entertainment; and “Telling Powerful Stories of Faith” with Kerry Troup and Tim Schultz. Learn more To register
Photo courtesy of St. Luke Community United Methodist Church