Church History
Ashley Boggan, top executive of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, gifts Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, with a John Wesley bobblehead on Sept. 6, 2023, while in Italy for the European Methodist Historical Conference. Seated from left are the Rev. Matthew Laferty, director of the Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome; Boggan, Ulrike Schuler with the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and Lara Herrmann, a student and Schuler’s granddaughter. File photo courtesy of Vatican Media.

Archives and History sets big plans

Ambitious plans are brewing at the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, in a time when budgets in The United Methodist Church are being cut. Top executive Ashley Boggan talks about those plans and raising the money to pay for them.
General Agencies
Ashley Boggan, top executive of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, speaks in a video being produced by United Methodist Communications. Archives and History’s partnership with United Methodist Communications enables the history agency to share its resources using up-to-date production technology. Photo by Stacey Hagewood, United Methodist Communications.

Communications agency restructures for church’s new day

With its budget cut by more than half, United Methodist Communications has restructured with plans to serve the denomination’s needs into the future.
Human Sexuality
Jan Lawrence (left), head of Reconciling Ministries Network, and Ashley Boggan D., top executive of the United Methodist Commission on Archives and History, hold up a Reconciling Congregations quilt during the Oct. 23 inauguration of The United Methodist Church’s new LGBTQ+ United Methodist Heritage Center in Madison, N.J. Photo by Crystal Caviness, courtesy of the Commission on Archives and History Facebook page.

New LGBTQ+ Heritage Center helps church remember

The United Methodist center’s opening described as “a call to us today and in the future to build a church where all people are seen, heard and valued.”
Human Rights
The Rev. Calvin Hill, a Navajo holy man and pastor at First United Methodist Church in Newcastle, Wyo., puts cedar ashes on Doug Tzan, assistant dean at Wesley Theological Seminary, in a calling your name ceremony Sept. 11 during the 10th Historical Convocation at Bozeman United Methodist Church in Bozeman, Mont. The convocation featured a detailed report on The United Methodist Church’s involvement with U.S. boarding schools for Native American children. Photo by the Rev. Jeremy Smith.

Spotlighting UMC’s role in Indigenous boarding schools

A report on The United Methodist Church’s involvement with U.S. boarding schools for Native American children was presented at the 10th Historical Convocation. Remembrance and reconciliation is the goal of the initial research, but more work is planned.

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