North Central Jurisdiction

Bishops Dan Schwerin (left), Lanette Plambeck (center) and Kennetha Bigham-Tsai were elected bishops at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference Nov. 2-3. Prior to the elections, the jurisdiction’s 10 episcopal candidates met for a month over Zoom to build connection and camaraderie. Photo courtesy of the North Central Jurisdiction.

Bishop candidates created community over Zoom

Pre-conference meetings helped the candidates for bishop in the North Central Jurisdictional Conference make the election process a positive experience, even for the seven candidates who weren’t selected.
In an episcopal election that saw several firsts, the Rev. Delores Williamston (left), the first Black female bishop elected to the South Central Jurisdiction; the Rev. David Wilson (right), the first Native American bishop in The United Methodist Church; and the Rev. Laura Merrill stand during their consecration service. The South Central Jurisdiction’s service of consecration was Nov. 5 at Houston First United Methodist Church. Photo courtesy of the Louisiana Conference via Facebook.

Jurisdictions see shift in bishops, more cooperation

Even as The United Methodist Church faces mounting disaffiliations, those who plan to remain United Methodist are working together more across jurisdictional lines. Jurisdictional conferences also elected more women and more people of color as bishops.
The Rev. Dan Schwerin reacts to being elected bishop Nov. 3 at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference. Schwerin, assistant to the bishop in the Wisconsin Conference, was elected on the sixth ballot with 100 votes. He was the third and final bishop elected by jurisdictional delegates at their Nov. 2-5 meeting in Fort Wayne, Ind. Photo by Lisa Wink.

North Central elects Schwerin as bishop

The Rev. Dan Schwerin was the third and final bishop elected for The United Methodist Church's North Central Jurisdictional Conference. He received 100 votes of the 166 valid ballots cast Nov. 3, giving him the 60% needed to be elected.
Retired Bishop Sharon Rader gives newly elected Bishop Lanette Plambeck her episcopal pin following her election to the United Methodist episcopacy at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference in Fort Wayne, Ind., on Nov. 2. Photo by Kaitlyn Winders Photography.

Plambeck wins bishop post in North Central

The Rev. Lanette Plambeck, a former intelligence analyst for the Army and the only endorsed candidate for bishop of the Iowa Annual Conference, was elected bishop on the third ballot at the North Central Jurisdictional Conference.

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The Virginia Conference’s Bishop Sharma D. Lewis (upper right corner) leads the devotional during the April 30 session of the United Methodist Council of Bishops spring meeting. The bishops maintained that no elections of bishops or agency board members would be held this year, despite some delegates urging otherwise. Screengrab courtesy of the Council of Bishops via ZOOM by UM News.

Bishops: No episcopal elections until 2022

United Methodist bishops declined General Conference delegates’ calls for episcopal elections this year but opened the door to a vote on new leaders in 2022.
A person reacts outside the Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis after the guilty verdict handed down April 20 in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd. While expressing the sense that the verdict was just, United Methodist leaders urged continuing work toward dismantling widespread racism and systemic injustice against people of color. Photo by Carlos Barria, Reuters.

United Methodists react to Chauvin verdict

Church leaders praised the justice of the verdict against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd, but cautioned that much work lies ahead to overcome systemic racism.
Clergywomen gather in fellowship outside the Kwang Lim Chapel at Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe, during the July 10-14, 2018, African United Methodist Clergywomen Leadership Development Conference. File photo by Eveline Chikwanah, UM News.

Clergywomen in US, Africa forge bonds

Black clergywomen in the U.S. and their counterparts in Africa are building relationships. A gathering is planned at Africa University in 2022.

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