Recursos y oportunidades para jóvenes de su iglesia

Global Mission Fellows program is a two-year leadership development and mission service opportunity that allows young adults ages 20 through 30 to take part in mission and social justice ministries in both GMF International (young adults from across the world, serving in another country or placement site around the world) and GMF US-2 (young people from the US, serving within the US). These young adults are trained together and are invited to serve in a ministry of presence and solidarity with a new host community. Married couple are able to serve as GMF, given that both of them apply and get accepted as individuals, and a placement match is available. GMF International deadline is Feb 15, 2016, GMF US-2 deadline is March 31, 2016.

The Core Values of the GT Global Mission Fellows Program

Engage with Local Communities

Connect the Church in Mission

Grow in Personal and Social Holiness


US-2 participants are assigned to work sites in different Affiliates, which are partner entities of Global Ministries, anywhere in the United States where Global Ministries has partnerships.  Some US-2’s are sent alone and others are sent in pairs to work under our affiliate model. The affiliate model allows the US-2 to live in intentional community with members of their cohort while working at various sites that hone their gifts and areas of expertise.  

Since service in the United States allows for flexibility in travel in contrast to GMFs International, US-2s have a unique opportunity to promote the program within their local communities and at various events across the country as designated by Global Ministries.  

GMF International

The International track is for young adults all across the globe that are called to serve.

24-month service program:        

-2 month of training and transition

-20 months of international service

-2 months of an optional integration (GMF  International will have the opportunity to transition back into their home country by working with a Project, Training, Fellow-In-Residence, or Itinerate for Global Ministries)


  • Young adults ages 20-30
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent life experience
  • Commit to 2 years of service
  • Serve “with” and not “to” or “for” others
  • Called to address roots of injustice
  • Conversational English


  • Five weeks of Training (3 weeks before service, 1 week after one year of service, and 1 week at the end of service)
  • Health and Travel Insurance
  • Each GMF is required to raise $6,000 (those from the US) or an equivalent amount adjusted standard living of his/her home country (those from international)
  • Ongoing Programmatic Support


  • Stipend - based on the principles of simple living - that covers toiletries, food, and basic personal items. (On average, this is about $450-$770 per month, but it differs from location according to the cost of living)
  • Housing and Utilities
  • Local Transportation
  • Relocation Costs
  • Funds to itinerate at churches
  • End of Service Award


Many Global Mission Fellows have been able to defer loans during service.  Please contact your lender institution to obtain forms and information.


If you’re considering theological school, several scholarships are available for Master’s students who have completed this program, as well as application fee waivers.

For more information, contact [email protected] or [email protected] or visit our webpage at

Las iglesias metodistas unidas Lincoln y Adalberto, comparten el mismo santuario, el cual ha sido vandalizado en varias oportunidades y está siendo rondado, de acuerdo a testigos, por desconocidos que fotografían y graban las instalaciones con el fin de intimidar a través de la internet. Foto de archivo cortesía de la IMU Lincoln.

Iglesias Lincoln y Adalberto preocupadas por redadas de ICE y amenazas de grupos de odio

Los/as miembros de las iglesias están preocupados por las amenazas a la seguridad de las iglesia que comparten el mismo santuario, el cual ha sido objeto de vandalizaciones varias veces y que está siendo fotografiado y grabado en video por desconocidos quienes comparten las imágenes en redes sociales para estimular los ataques de odio en internet.
Entidades de la Iglesia
El Concilio Judicial se reunirá este otoño para su primera sesión después de la Conferencia General de este año. Será la última sesión que utilizará el Libro de Disciplina actual de 2016 antes de que se publique la nueva Disciplina en enero. La mayoría de las nuevas medidas aprobadas por la Conferencia General entrarán en vigor en los Estados Unidos el 1 de enero. Foto original Mike DuBose. Fotomontaje Rev. Gustavo Vasquez, Noticias MU.

Cancelan publicación del Libro de Disciplina en coreano y español

Líderes de iglesias coreanas e hispano-latinas expresan su preocupación por la decisión de la Casa Metodista Unida de Publicaciones de dejar de traducir el Libro de Disciplina por motivos financieros.
Temas Sociales
La Obispa Dottie Escobedo-Frank, líder episcopal de la Conferencia Anual de California-Pacífico, dirige su salutación a la asamblea de MARCHA 2024 en su carácter de conferencia anfitriona del evento.

El caucus hispano-latino metodista se reunió; ¿y ahora qué?

MARCHA, el caucus hispano-latino de La Iglesia Metodista Unida, tuvo su asamblea 2024 en California en la cual eligieron nuevo liderato y tomaron decisiones continuar con su ministerio de abogacía por los derechos de la comunidad hispano-latina dentro y fuera de la iglesia.

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