2019 Rwanda Provisional Annual Conference

July 28-31, in Kigali, Rwanda

The Rwanda Provisional Conference, which was created by the 2016 General Conference in Portland, Oregon, held its third annual conference session at Gisozi United Methodist Church in Kigali.

The theme of the conference came from Matthew 16:18, where Jesus Christ says, “On this rock, I will build my church.” 

The Rev. Stan Cosby, a United Methodist pastor from Texas, preached during the opening and ordination services. Cosby noted that Christ is our confession, cornerstone and conqueror.

Eighty-nine of 94 delegates attended the conference. Bishop Daniel Wandabula, resident bishop of the East Africa Episcopal Area, commissioned 11 pastors, including two women who have long served in the church: pastors Francoise Kankindi and Godelive Uwizera. Currently, they are second-year students at Wesley Theological School-Rwanda, a United Methodist-related school. Two pastors also were ordained elders.
The Rev. Marc Baliaynga said that despite challenges, the Rwanda Provisional Conference continues to survive and the church has continued to grow over the past year.
Since February 2018, some United Methodist churches in Rwanda had to close because their buildings did not meet construction requirements or lacked parking because of the small size of land. Nineteen United Methodist churches remain closed. 

During the annual conference session, seven pastors and six churches with a total membership of 1,120 decided to join The United Methodist Church in Rwanda. Baliaynga noted that the churches received did not come with land or constructed church properties, but have members and work through rented facilities. The hope is that they will organize themselves to get land and construct church buildings, he said.

Through July 31, the Rwanda Provisional Conference has 66 pastors (57 men and nine women) and 53 local churches with membership at 12,079.


• An anonymous charitable foundation in the United States supported training of pastors in Bible and theology. 

• The Revs. Lamarr Gibson and Stan Cosby, friends of The United Methodist Church and Rwanda Provisional Conference, spent time teaching pastors at Wesley Theological School-Rwanda.

• Gabiro United Methodist Church constructed a new building after the old church closed. The land and construction of the new church was possible through significant support from Bill Graf of the U.S., who donated money for the construction. Church members in the Gisenyi District participated in the project.

• A concrete floor was laid at Ryabizige United Methodist Church, made possible through a monetary donation from Carolyn Graf of the U.S. and coordination by the Rev. Alexis Nzabonimpa, district superintendent of Gisenyi.

• The United Methodist Board of Global Ministries released money to The United Methodist Church in Rwanda that had been on hold. So far, gutters have been purchased and installed at 15 churches, allowing members and the surrounding community to access water to use for their families and sanitation, especially during the rainy season.

• Under a livestock project, 30 goats and sheep have been distributed in Musanze and Rusizi for a program aimed at fighting poverty. More than a hundred goats and sheep have been distributed as part of the program to date.  

• Global Ministries also helped to buy a portion of land at Gacaca in the Musanze District; purchase an unfinished church building at Matinza in Kayonza; and expand church land at Remera United Methodist Church in Kibungo.

• Discipleship and small groups of Bible study are helping the church grow. The practice of encouragement and spiritual maturity has led to the establishment of new churches.

• Wesley Theological School-Rwanda, a United Methodist-related school that was created in January of 2018, has 26 students who are being trained for ministry in United Methodist churches in Rwanda. The school has certificate and high school diploma programs in Bible and theology. Scholarships are needed for theological training of teachers and for students.

The establishment of Wesley Theological School-Rwanda is importance due to a new law in the country, which determines the organization and functioning of faith-based organizations, that states that “a preacher must possess a degree of a higher learning institution in religious studies or any other degree with a valid certificate in religious studies delivered by a recognized institution.”

The mission of the school is to train men and women of integrity who feel called to ministry and to equip them with relevant biblical and theological knowledge and skills for effective ministry in the church.

During ordination: 

Cosby preached during the ordination, using 1 Kings 19:19-21 and 2 Kings 2:6-16, with the theme, “The Mantle of Ministry.”

Cosby explained that the mantle symbolizes the anointing of God. Moses used his staff; Elijah used his mantle. He pointed out:

• The mantle confirms the calling. All who have a call will have this call confirmed by others in some way.

• The mantle builds on the past. Elisha became the apprentice of Elijah. His ministry is an extension of Elijah’s ministry.

• The mantle overshadows the natural with the supernatural. Elisha returns to the Jordan River. He calls upon the God of Elijah and the waters part as they did with Elijah.

Some resolutions of the third session of Rwanda Provisional Annual Conference:

• Approval of the statutes of The United Methodist Church in Rwanda headquarters, and appointment of the Rev. Marc Baliyanga as legal representative for the conference, and the Rev. Alexis Nzabonimpa as the deputy legal representative.

• Approval of the name of the church: United Methodist Church Rwanda/Rwanda Provisional Conference.

• Approval of the name of the school: Wesley Theological School (WTS) Rwanda.

• The venue and dates for the fourth annual conference in 2020 were determined. It will be held at Gisozi United Methodist Church in Kigali, Rwanda, June 22-24.

— Alexis Nzabonimpa, Conference Secretary for the Rwanda Provisional Conference.

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