The sixth session of the North East Nigeria Annual Conference was held at Wudompy Charge in Karim Ecclesiastical District, under the leadership of Bishop John Wesley Yohanna.
Nearly 300 accredited clergy and laity participated in the meeting, which had the theme “And Know that I Am God,” drawing from Psalms 46:10.
Delegates came from all 14 conference districts, 82 charges and 94 areas.
The opening worship was officiated by the Rev. Bukar Isa. The guest speaker, the Rev. Victor Fosheno Markus, gave a sermon on the conference theme and called on delegates to embrace a better knowledge of God.
The committees and districts presented their reports at the opening of the conference.
Regarding human sexuality, the delegates resolved that the Book of Discipline language prohibiting same-sex marriage would remain unchanged and that if the next General Conference moves to change it, the North East Nigeria Annual Conference would withdraw from The United Methodist Church and merge with any Methodist denomination that is free of same-sex marriage.
In this regard, the delegates recommended that the President of the College of Bishops of West Africa convene an extraordinary session of the Central Conference of West Africa to determine the position of the Central Conference of West Africa regarding same-sex marriage.
The delegates also decided that fellowship groups in the conference should contribute to the sponsorship of the outreach and that the Council on Evangelism should define the financial implications for each fellowship group.
Another resolution concerned pastors on field assignments. In this regard, the conference decided that the salary of these pastors should be paid directly to them and that any remaining salary due should be immediately remitted to the conference by the concerned districts.
The delegates also decided that the North East Annual Conference would support the bishop in implementing the just resolution of Grand-Basam.
During this 6th session, the conference also took the following resolutions:
- Associations such as gospel singers, boys' brigade, Zumuntan matasa, Nazari, young women's network, etc. are expected to submit their annual reports to the youth ministry as part of the youth convention.
- That the 2022/2023 financial report for the North East Nigeria Annual Conference be adopted as part of the conference document.
The sixth session of the Northeast Annual Conference recorded 130 pastors in full connection. The Board of Ordained Ministry presented 6 candidates for eider ministry and 2 deacons were ordained.
This year, a total of 17 new worship areas were established and four new leaders were commissioned, bringing the total to 82 this year compared to 78 the previous year.
-The Reverend Elisha T. Umar, Secretary of the North East Nigeria Annual Conference