2023 Susquehanna Annual Conference

“New and Improved Through Christ” was the theme for the 2023 Susquehanna Annual Conference. The annual conference met at the Community Arts Center in Williamsport, Pa., first on May 17 for a special session on disaffiliation and from May 18-20 for the regular session. During the special session, the conference ratified all the requested 141 disaffiliation agreements. The regular session included ordination, Bible studies and plenary sessions.


During the special session, the conference ratified 141 disaffiliation agreements. At the start of the session, Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball acknowledged the difficulty of the evening. “Tonight, this work is not easy,” she said. “And we recognize that we will look differently when everything is over. Yet, in the midst of disaffiliation, God is present and God is faithful.” See list.

No other future special session was set.


Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi opened the session with worship, preaching on the theme and focusing on 2 Corinthians 5:17. The praise band from The Journey Church in Harrisburg enhanced worship with their inspirational and spirit-filled music, and a prayer that focused on both the joys and challenges of this moment set the tone. 

Bishop Moore-Koikoi offered well-received words of hope and a vision for the future, in spite of the uncertainty and transition in our conference. “This new and improved Susquehanna Conference is not going to be smooth sailing. No organization that is truly doing Kingdom work enjoys smooth sailing. There are some things that are going to have to end, so there will be some tears. There will be times we stumble and fall, but a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got back up again. When the going gets tough and the road is rough and the hills are hard to climb, remember what you decided. You decided to make Jesus your choice.”

Opening worship was concluded with the celebration of Holy Communion alongside Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball, followed by closing music. 


The overarching theme for this worship service was the power of sacred memory. During worship, the conference celebrated those people who will be taking a new step in their ministry journey while honoring retirees and giving thanks for their faithful ministry. Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball brought us a heartfelt message about the power of sacred memory inspired by Deuteronomy 6:1-12. Her sermon was entitled, “Something Known and Something New.” 

“Remembering is part of what we are called to do in the church,” said Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball. “It is a sacred practice of recounting what God has done, is doing, and will do through us. Our relationship with God in Christ is something known and something new… We are in the process of becoming new and improved.”

This special worship service was divided into multiple sections: The Celebration of Local Pastors, The Celebration of Other Essential Ministries, the Proclamation of the Word, the Offertory, the Celebration of Ordained Ministry, Examination; Commissioning of Elders, the Celebration of Retiring Elders and Deacon, and a Celebration and Invitation to All Ministries.


We celebrated and gave thanks for one retiring deacon and 16 elders with a combined 408 years of service and 14 licensed local pastors with a combined 141 years of service.


Three individuals were commissioned as provisional elders: Justin Frear, Bobby Jones Jr., and Brian Moyer. 


Three members of the cabinet performed a creative skit, melding popular music with valuable reminders. They encouraged everyone to not live in the past but build upon it; remember that while it feels like things are moving fast, we’re often playing catch-up; to partner with God to shape the future; and to change the “beat” of life. They reiterated Jesus’ direction to replace worry with faith and that the God has the ideas and answers we seek. 

Others in leadership spoke on the struggle with racism and shared a video from the Civil Rights Journey the Cabinet and others embarked on last year. A number of resources were shared highlighting camping and retreat ministries, campus ministry, a new online learning platform, Grow and Equip educational opportunities, and an exciting event planned for the fall called “Level Up: New Places, New People.” 

Dr. Joyce Davis delivered the laity report, praising the work of the board of laity and encouraging all laity and clergy to move toward together to become stronger and more focused on mission. 

The Young People’s Ministry Council had a lot to report as their repeated refrain reminded us; “but wait … there’s more!”

The Rev. Gary Weaver, new Dean of the Cabinet, shared information about the new supervisory model, which establishes areas of supervision covered by five superintendents. 


The Rev. Cathy Boileau shared a personal story of grief and loss during her memorial service message, telling of her father’s letters and messages and notes to his loved ones. She celebrated the “letter writers” who make up the church and gave thanks to those who died in the past year.


The Rev. Dr. Lewis Park led Bible Study on Friday and Saturday morning. He has served in many different sized churches, as a district superintendent, and the director of the Leadership Center and the Doctor of Ministry program at Wesley Theological Seminary. 

During this first study, Park focused on Genesis 32 which tells the story of Jacob wrestling with God. Relating the story of Jacob wrestling with God to current circumstances, Park said, “And maybe really that’s what been happening. The triple pressure of decline, disaffiliation and COVID has lasted through the sheen of confidence in God. We got desperate but we didn’t lose our grip. And we held onto the one we don’t understand but whose thoughts are higher than ours.” 

“Are we not on a cusp like that today too? Limping, yes. Identity crisis, surely. Fear of what comes next, no doubt. But no longer a trickster trying to find a clever way around. And no longer depending on triage in desperation. Holding onto the God with whom he wrestled with in darkness, holding onto the confidence that now God can bless.”


Election of Delegates

Multiple openings on the Jurisdictional and General Conference delegation necessitated the election of both clergy and laity delegates. Cindy Weaver was elected to the General Conference as a lay delegate. No clergy was elected to General Conference. The Revs. Mira Hewlett and Kristopher Sledge were elected as clergy delegates to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference. Lisa Bender, John Konieczny, KimAnn Shockley, Wesley Bealla, JoAnne Konick-McMahan, and Diane Konieczny were elected as laity delegates to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference. 

Passed Resolutions

  • Res #1- Mental health
  • Res #2 & #3 - Disability Concerns
  • Res #4 - Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church’s Acknowledgement of Land
  • Res #5 - Resolution Denouncing the Carlisle Indian School and Committing to Repentance, Equity, and Inclusion in the Susquehanna Conference of the United Methodist Church
  • Res #6 - Choosing Love over Division
  • Res #7 Renewing Our Belief in the Primacy of Scripture
  • Res #8 - Support for Christmas Covenant Legislation: 
  • Res #11 A Call to The End of Conversion Therapy
  • Res #14 Request for A Way forward from Our Conference Trustees
  • Res #15 - Support for Extending Sunset Date of ¶2553 until 2026
  • Res #18 - Severance of the Affiliation between the Susquehanna Conference and Wyoming Seminary


Blair’s Valley UMC
Fowlersville UMC
Windsor Grace UMC
Mt. Pleasant UMC
Hannah UMC
Columbia Crossroads UMC
Ramey UMC
Clarence UMC
Marysville Salem UMC
Mount Hope UMC


A budget of $9,331,032 was approved, which is a $1.5 million reduction from the 2023 budget.


Membership stands at 123,366, down 2.5% from the previous year. 

Worship attendance stands at 32,202, up 9.24%.  

Church school attendance stands at 10,080, up .76% 

Professions or reaffirmations of faith for 2022 were 1,430, up 51%.

Adults and young adults in small groups were 20,039, up 7%

Worshippers engaged in mission for 2022 were 21,140, up 6.92%

Liz Lennox, Director of Communications

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