2024 Upper New York Annual Conference

The Upper New York Annual Conference was held at the SRC Arena in Syracuse from May 31-June 1. The theme for this year’s annual conference was FORWARD: Claiming God’s future with hope and joy based on Philippians 3:13-14. Through this theme, United Methodists of Upper New York were encouraged to move forward with a renewed sense of identity and vision in Christ-centered missional unity, led by the Holy Spirit. Upper New York Area Resident Bishop, Héctor A. Burgos Núñez, presided.

Guest Speakers

Several guests were invited to participate in this year’s annual conference, including Council of Bishops president, Bishop Tracy S. Malone. Bishop Malone delivered a sermon on “The Joy of Hope,” inspired by Ephesians 1:15-23 during the Celebration of Ministry and Commissioning Service. She asked, “What if we make Paul’s prayer our prayer for the Upper New York

Conference, for the worldwide people called United Methodists, for every local church?”

She went on to say, “Fear, division, and hatred tear at the very fabric of our culture and world.

Our society is increasingly becoming more racially divided, violent, and unjust. Political and

cultural wars have us anxious, fearful, and suspicious of one another. We can’t afford NOT to be bold. We can’t afford NOT to share the love of Jesus. We can’t afford NOT to walk in power.

Don’t be afraid to use God’s gifts in you relying on the Spirit of God that is in you.” Click here to read an article about the service.

Dr. Ashley Boggan D., General Secretary of the General Commission of Archives and History, led the learning session and offered lessons in United Methodist history and urged United Methodists of Upper New York to “be more vile,” quoting John Wesley after his experience preaching in a field in Bristol, England changed his understanding of what it means to be in ministry.

She told the story of Thomas Blair, an inmate sentenced to death for the alleged crime of having a relationship with a man. John Wesley worked to “convince any reasonable man of his innocence” and then paid the 20 marks (an equivalent of more than 6,000 pounds today) to free Blair after he was found guilty.

“I’m not saying that Wesley was defending the actions of Mr. Blair, but he also was not condemning him for them,” Dr. Boggan said. “But in order to ensure that Mr. Blair felt worthy of God’s love, of the love of a neighbor, and love of himself, Wesley was willing to risk all.” Learning history is necessary for moving forward, she said. “We have before us now, a moment to be hope-filled. To rethink who we want to be in the future. We have a chance to be proactive. To be prophetic. To be vile. The question is: Are we brave enough to do it?” Click here to read an article about the learning session.

Two Upper New York youth were invited by Bishop Burgos Núñez to share their perspectives on moving forward. Seventeen-year-old Victor Giso, a member at First United Methodist Church of East Greenbush, asked the annual conference body to be intentional about including youth in the life and decisions of the church. “Churches must create platforms for meaningful participation and leadership opportunities. By valuing our insights and fostering an environment of inclusivity, religious institutions can harness the energy and creativity of youth to address contemporary challenges and adapt to evolving social dynamics.” Nineteen-year-old Destiny Hoerbelt, representing North Tonawanda First United Methodist Church, proclaimed, “We need to let God be our headlights, our steering wheel, and our GPS. God connects us in ways we cannot see; but God can see it and to him the connections are clear.” She went on to admit that “we may not want the change we are given, but I have yet to hear about a suggestion box for God.” Click here to read about their presentations.

Main Actions

Click the following links to read daily notes outlining main actions:

New Initiatives

The Engage Fund is a new initiative where United Methodists of Upper New York are invited to become a part of a ministry that celebrates our youth as young disciples. The Engage Fund is a new initiative that seeks to nurture young people, serve them, and serve alongside them. The goal is to raise $500,000 by the end of 2025 to support children, youth, and young adults to support the next generations of disciples and servant leaders for the church. Click here to learn more about the Engage Fund.

Closed Churches

Kanona United Methodist Church
Magnolia United Methodist Church Morrisonville United Methodist Church Nicholville United Methodist Church Portlandville United Methodist Church Ransomville United Methodist Church South Canisteo United Methodist Church Spragueville United Methodist Church

Tonawanda: Bethany United Methodist Church Verona United Methodist Church

Italy Valley United Methodist Church Aloquin-Flint United Methodist Church


The Upper New York Annual Conference passed the proposed 2025 Ministry Share budget decreased from $600,000 from $8,600,000 in 2024 to $8,000,000 in 2025. Click here to view the budget on pages 20-22 in the 2024 Upper New York Pre-Conference Workbook.

Important Numbers

Commissioned: 4 (average age: 41 years old)
Clergy retired: 28

Membership stands at 114,512, down 9,904 from the previous year. Worship attendance stands at 39,774, down 7,610 from 2022.

Church school attendance stands at 4,226, down 990 from 2022

Professions or reaffirmations of faith for 2023 at 981, down 132 from 2022.
Adults and young adults in small groups for 2023 at 11,734, down 750 from 2022. Worshippers engaged in mission for 2023 at 13,768, down 118 from 2022.

Other stats:

Number of UMVIM teams sent for 2023 at 175, up 115 from 2022.
Number of persons baptized ages 13 and older, up 68 from 2022

Number of “first-time visitors” at the principal worship service at 6,983, up 1,818 from 2022. Number of persons served by community ministries for outreach, justice and mercy at 691,679, up by 86,844 from 2022.

Shelby Winchell, Director of Communications for Upper New York

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