“Even though they walk around in a uniform and with guns, they see some of the most unbelievable things that happen in our world.” — The Rev. Andrew Jackson, chaplain with the Michigan State Police.
Michigan Conference
Chaplains help support police work
LANSING, Mich. — Police officers have to see and do things that other people don’t. Police chaplains like the Rev. Andrew Jackson say they help build bridges with the community, do individual counseling, officiate at funerals and more. Diane Brown has the story.
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California-Nevada Conference
Reunion draws 90 ‘YFers’ from 50 years ago
CUPERTINO, Calif. — Ninety people from all over the U.S. — all in their 60s — gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their high school Youth Fellowship and rejoice in its life-changing ministry. Sue Schroeder Larson reports.
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Board of Global Ministries
Addressing global need for good mental health
ATLANTA — From a school district in Texas to a mission hospital in Nepal, officials and community members are grappling with how to provide for mental health needs. Through Abundant Health grants, United Methodists are working with partners to respond to these needs. Christie R. House reports.
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Terre Haute Tribune-Star
‘Friendship House’ provides unique options
TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — Terre Haute Friendship House, the first of its kind in Indiana, is an effort by Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church to offer college students an affordable housing option and those with disabilities more independence in their everyday lives. Alex Modesitt reports.
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — UMNews.org, the first dedicated news site for The United Methodist Church, launched one year ago. The opinions of church members are important to us. Please take a short survey about the UM News website.
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Filipino United Methodists condemn latest violence
MARCHA: Hispanic-Latino voices needed at GC2020
Saturday, Sept. 14
United Methodist Women: 150 Years in Mission
Michigan Conference
Chaplains help support police work
LANSING, Mich. — Police officers have to see and do things that other people don’t. Police chaplains like the Rev. Andrew Jackson say they help build bridges with the community, do individual counseling, officiate at funerals and more. Diane Brown has the story.
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California-Nevada Conference
Reunion draws 90 ‘YFers’ from 50 years ago
CUPERTINO, Calif. — Ninety people from all over the U.S. — all in their 60s — gathered to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their high school Youth Fellowship and rejoice in its life-changing ministry. Sue Schroeder Larson reports.
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Board of Global Ministries
Addressing global need for good mental health
ATLANTA — From a school district in Texas to a mission hospital in Nepal, officials and community members are grappling with how to provide for mental health needs. Through Abundant Health grants, United Methodists are working with partners to respond to these needs. Christie R. House reports.
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Terre Haute Tribune-Star
‘Friendship House’ provides unique options
TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — Terre Haute Friendship House, the first of its kind in Indiana, is an effort by Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church to offer college students an affordable housing option and those with disabilities more independence in their everyday lives. Alex Modesitt reports.
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — UMNews.org, the first dedicated news site for The United Methodist Church, launched one year ago. The opinions of church members are important to us. Please take a short survey about the UM News website.
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Filipino United Methodists condemn latest violence
MARCHA: Hispanic-Latino voices needed at GC2020
Saturday, Sept. 14
United Methodist Women: 150 Years in Mission
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