Daily Digest - December 15, 2014

“This is going to make my Christmas better.” — Soko Kanneh, who received food through a United Methodist food relief program in Liberia.

Food arrives by Christmas in Ebola-ravaged village

MONROVIA, Liberia (UMNS) — A $15,000 Ebola response grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief has made Christmas a lot brighter for 350 families in the Topoe Village, outside of Monrovia, with the distribution of much needed food. Julu Swen reports.
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How can churches minister to students home at Christmas?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — College students home for Christmas break often long to reconnect with old friends, their old youth leaders, and others in the church who were an important part of their faith development. After years of being active in church they are no longer part of the youth ministry, and not ready for adult ministries yet. So how can churches minister to their students when they are home for break? The Rev. Joe Iovino has some suggestions.

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Peru panel focuses on Christians and creation care

LIMA, Peru (UMNS) — The Rev. Pat Watkins, United Methodist Board of Global Ministries, was part of a panel on “Christians Committed to Care for Creation” during events hosted by the Methodist Church of Peru in conjunction with the Dec. 1-12 U.N. Lima Climate Change Conference and the People’s Summit on Climate Change. The World Council of Churches reports.
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Advent and vital conversations

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — As part of a vital conversation on Advent, the United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race has been asking United Methodists what it means to be part of a global church in the celebration of Christmas. Erin Hawkins, the agency’s top executive, shares her own reflection.
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Advent quiz: Why so many lights at Christmas?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — At Christmastime we decorate our trees, homes and churches with candles and strings of lights. Why all the light?
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Sunday, Dec. 21
Blue Christmas/Longest Night — Many Christians in the Northern Hemisphere use the Winter Solstice as time to worship and share fellowship with those who mourn during this usually joyful season. Discipleship Ministries has worship resources.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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