"As a church, we are committed to ensure that we drive them against outlawed cultural practices and make them stand firm in Christian faith." — The Rev. Josam Kariuki, Kenya Central District superintendent, on efforts to end mutilation of girls.
Kenyan church fights female genital mutilation
GILGIL, Kenya (UM News) — The United Methodist Church in Kenya is offering camps and counseling for girls in an effort to fight against female genital mutilation. Trinity United Methodist Church has created a way for girls to move ceremoniously from childhood to adulthood without undergoing the cut. Faith Wanjiru has the story.
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Oklahoma Conference
Offering yields $4,300 for school lunches
COLLINSVILLE, Okla. — Meadowcreek United Methodist Church recently donated more than $4,300 to the Collinsville Public School's Angel Fund, which pays for hot lunches for students who could not otherwise afford them. The Rev. Mark Whitley, Meadowcreek's pastor, hopes one day to create a designated fund to ensure there is enough money for all students to have a hot meal every day.
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Florida Conference
A different kind of Valentine's Day
TAMPA, Fla. — What if Valentine's Day included a tradition of forgiveness, service and random acts of kindness? Joey Johnston talked to Florida pastors about how to express love as Jesus would.
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Dakotas Conference
Dakotas church successfully diversifying
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Since Sunnycrest United Methodist Church launched a Hispanic worshipping community in 2019, diverse services have multiplied. There are now five worship services at Sunnycrest: two Hispanic, two contemporary and one traditional. A sixth is planned for this fall. Doreen Gosmire has the story.
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Connectional Table
Webinar to detail U.S. regional conference plan
CHICAGO — A live webinar, "Five Things to Know About United States Regional Conference," is planned for Feb. 20. It will address questions and concerns about legislation that the Connectional Table submitted to General Conference 2020 for consideration.
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World Council of Churches
Prayer, music submissions sought for assembly
GENEVA — The World Council of Churches invites prayer and music submissions for its 11th Assembly, scheduled for 2021 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The theme of the assembly, the highest legislative body of the council, is "Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity."
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Conference urged to reopen misconduct case
UMW project helps rural girls stay in school
Monday, March 9-Sunday, March 29
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