“It all comes together; it’s a team effort. God gives us the power to come together and do the mission.” — Victor Martin, part of a mission team from the Florida Conference working in Quéssua, Angola.
Lighting the way in Angola
QUÉSSUA, Angola (UM News) — Since the late 19th century, the Methodist mission station in Quéssua has supported the physical and spiritual needs of the villagers in this rural area. In April, a Volunteers in Mission team from Florida traveled there for a variety of projects, ranging from medical to nutritional to infrastructure. Joey Butler has the story, with photos by Mike DuBose.
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New 2023 annual conference reports posted
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — United Methodist News is posting 2023 annual conference reports. New this week are the Baltimore-Washington, North Georgia, Oklahoma, Peninsula-Delaware, South Georgia and Upper New York conferences.
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Great Plains Conference
Etta Mae Mutti, bishop’s wife, dies at 84
LEE’S SUMMIT, Mo. — Etta Mae Mutti, wife of Bishop Albert Frederick "Fritz" Mutti, died June 7 at the age of 84. She married Mutti in 1959. After her husband’s election to the episcopacy in 1992, the Muttis served the Kansas area until his retirement in 2004. Her many church and community causes included serving as co-chair of the United Methodist Global AIDS Fund. She also was an advocate for LGBTQ people.
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Michigan Conference
Art show highlights sacred work
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — The annual Celebration of the Arts show runs through June 20 at First United Methodist Church of Grand Rapids, but an online gallery is available for those who can’t make the trip. The show, open to any work that expresses a sacred or spiritual quality, is one of the largest juried sacred art shows in the U.S., with more than 100 pieces of original art. James Deaton reports.
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Philippines Central Conference
Conversation focuses on ‘Staying UMC’
MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines Central Conference boards of Church and Society, Women’s Work and Christian Education and Discipleship are sponsoring a public conversation on the state of The United Methodist Church. Titled “Why I Am Staying UMC and Why You Should, Too,” the discussion will be led by the Rev. Liberato Bautista, who heads the United Methodist Board of Church and Society’s U.N. and International Affairs office. The conversation at Central United Methodist Church will be livestreamed from 3 to 5 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time on June 16.
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Church and Society
Webinar to discuss agency’s legal advocacy work
WASHINGTON — John Hill, interim top executive of the United Methodist Board of Church and Society, will moderate a webinar discussion on the reasons and ways the denomination’s advocacy agency pursues values-based legislation at the state and federal levels. “Justice Talks: Our Values at Work” is scheduled for 2 p.m. U.S. Central time on June 28.
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South Carolina Conference
Pastor releases children’s book
CAYCE, S.C. — The Advocate Press has just released its first children’s book, “Herbert the Hippo.” Designed for preschoolers (ages 3-5), the book is written by the Rev. Meg Sweeney Cook and illustrated by P.A. Sweeney. Cook pastors Cayce United Methodist Church.
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Church empowers pig farmers in Liberia
United Methodism lives on in Amarillo
Wednesday, July 5-Tuesday, Aug. 1
Online course: The Non-Anxious Leader — Family Systems Basics
Tuesday, July 25-Friday, July 28
YOUTH 2023
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