"When people hurt, United Methodists are there to help." — Bishop John Schol of the Greater New Jersey Conference, speaking at an UMCOR anniversary celebration.
Nominations sought for Culture of Call Award
LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. (UMNS) — The Foundation for Evangelism is seeking nominations for the 2015 Culture of the Call Church Award. This annual award recognizes one local United Methodist congregation that encourages the next generation of leaders with a passion for evangelism to enter full-time Christian service. Nominations are due April 2.
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UMCOR celebrates 75th at Atlantic City church
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (UMNS) — “When people hurt, United Methodists are there to help,” says Bishop John Schol. Church members celebrated that tradition of aid at the 75th anniversary of the United Methodist Committee on Relief in the city where the church’s humanitarian relief arm began. Jeff Wolfe of the Greater New Jersey Conference reports.
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African United Methodists offer new evangelism resource
MUTARE, Zimbabwe (UMNS) — The launch of a new book, “Evangelism and Church Growth in the African Context,” was the highlight of a February 2015 gathering of the Africa Evangelism Summit. “My prayer is that when we evangelize, we are not simply talking about numbers but [also] spiritualization,” said the Rev. Beauty Maenzanise, seminary dean at Africa University. Andra M. Stevens of Africa University reports.
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‘Flat Wesleys’ help children practice intentional discipleship
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Children throughout the United Methodist connection are learning about the history of the Methodist movement and practicing intentional discipleship with the help of drawings of John and Charles Wesley called “Flat Wesleys.” Churches in each annual conference and each central conference are receiving laminated copies of the Flat Wesleys to begin the project, which will continue through September.
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God bless the whole world, no exceptions
NEW YORK (UMNS) — Carol Barton of United Methodist Women reflects on what U.S. demographic changes mean for the nation and the church’s concerns, in a commentary for the United Methodist Commission on Religion and Race. She notes some view the growing ethnic diversity of the United States with fear. “As a resurrection people,” she says, “we are not guided by fear, but by love.”
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Give thanks for the new generations of United Methodist pastors
MACON, Ga. (UMNS) — “Ministers are equal part grief counselors, marriage planners, fundraisers, alms dispensers and, on occasion, plumbers and politicians,” writes Dick Yarbrough in The Telegraph. Yarbrough is part of a group of Methodist pastors and laity who evaluate candidates for ordination into the North Georgia Conference.
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Lent Quiz: At the last supper, the disciples would have been…
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — When we receive the Lord’s Supper we come standing, kneeling or sitting. How would Jesus’ disciples have received the bread and cup the first time?
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Looking ahead
Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.
Sunday, March 29
Palm/Passion Sunday — Worship resources from United Methodist Discipleship Ministries
Monday, March 30-Saturday, April 4
Holy Week — United Methodist Discipleship Ministries has worship and devotional resources for anytime during Holy Week, for Holy Thursday for Good Friday and for Easter vigils.
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