Many European conferences still unable to meet
ZURICH (UM News) — Many annual conference gatherings in Europe were postponed until autumn due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, most will still be unable to meet in person. Urs Schweizer reports, with contributions from Karl Anders Ellingsen, Katya Kim and Klaus U. Ruof.
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Zimbabwe orphan pays it forward during pandemic
MUTOKO, Zimbabwe (UM News) — College student Winnet Mandikisi, who spent her teenage years at The United Methodist Church's Home of Hope orphanage, is using the sewing skills she has learned to teach fellow orphans how to make masks to fight against COVID-19. Chenayi Kumuterera has the story.
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Florida United Methodist Foundation
Church finds way to reach skeptics
LOXAHATCHEE GROVES, Fla. — Kathy Copan and her husband, Victor, teach a class designed for skeptics. The class at Community of Hope United Methodist Church explores such topics as why there is suffering and pain in the world and whether the Bible conflicts with modern science. Derek Maul reports how this class and other ministries are helping doubters to become disciples.
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Washington Post
Judge grants temporary reprieve on deportation
SILVER SPRING, Md. — A federal judge in Maryland has temporarily stopped the deportation of an Indonesian immigrant who was arrested on the grounds of the United Methodist church where he is a member and caretaker. Meagan Flynn reports.
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Church and Society
Interfaith prayers for U.S. elections
WASHINGTON — A virtual interfaith prayer service for the U.S. election season is set for noon U.S. Eastern time on Oct. 7. The service is co-sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Church and Society and Faithful Democracy, a coalition of congregations, faith-based organizations and religious leaders.
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Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century
Prison summit to be held virtually
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century will virtually present the 5th National Prison Summit on Mass Incarceration, Oct. 29-31 via the Whova app. With “#BeTheHOPE” as its theme, the summit will promote advocacy, criminal justice reform and working within the church congregation to reimagine and build healthy communities.
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UM News includes in the Daily Digest various commentaries about issues in the denomination. The opinion pieces reflect a variety of viewpoints and are the opinions of the writers, not the UM News staff.
UM & Global
Digging deep into global United Methodism
BROOKFIELD, Wis. — What does it mean to be a global denomination? What are the benefits and costs? The latest UM & Global blog collection features posts from David W. Scott, Dana L. Robert, Hendrik R. Pieterse and others addressing such questions in the context of The United Methodist Church.
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Stories from the front lines of the coronavirus
Amazing grace comes in many ways for storm survivors
Thursday, Oct. 8
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