Annual Conference

General Church
The Rev. Nelly W. Wright of Liberia addresses fellow members of the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters about work to determine what in the administrative section of the Book of Discipline applies to the whole United Methodist Church and what can be adaptable. Photo by Heather Hahn, UM News.

Effort to reimagine Discipline moves forward

United Methodist leaders are evaluating what parts of the Book of Discipline can be adapted in different geographic areas and which apply worldwide. The work is heading to General Conference regardless of whether regionalization is ratified.
Annual Conferences
Bishop Tracy S. Malone surveys the results of General Conference delegates’ vote in favor of constitutional amendments to carry out the worldwide regionalization plan as she presides over a legislative session on April 25, 2024, in Charlotte, N.C. This year, annual conferences around the globe will hold votes on regionalization and three other amendments to the denomination’s constitution. File photo by Paul Jeffrey, UM News.

Church constitutional amendments head to vote

When United Methodist annual conferences meet this year, lay and clergy voters will determine whether regionalization and other changes become part of the denomination’s constitution.
Church Leadership
Bishop David Graves commissions the Rev. Shadreck Kagoro alongside four other provisional elders at the Alabama-West Florida Annual Conference in June. The Lewis Center for Church Leadership has released its annual report on clergy ages. With 6.5% of its elders under the age of 35, the Alabama-West Florida Conference is tied for 10th this year among the denomination’s 53 U.S. conferences in its percentage of young elders. Photo by Luke Lucas, Alabama-West Florida Conference.

Church exits influence clergy age trends

In its latest study of United Methodist clergy, the Lewis Center for Church Leadership discusses the impact of disaffiliations.
Bishop LaTrelle Easterling, who leads the Baltimore-Washington and Peninsula-Delaware conferences,  anoints the forehead of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos-Núñez during the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference held July 10-12 in Pittsburgh. To the left is Bishop John R. Schol and Bishop Marcus Matthews. Photo by James Lee, courtesy of the United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania Facebook page.

US sees big changes in bishop assignments

In a history-making development, two United Methodist bishops will lead conferences across jurisdictional lines. The change results from unprecedented levels of collaboration among jurisdictional leaders.

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