
United Methodists have joined with Christian and Jewish groups in filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security seeking to reverse the Trump administration’s policy allowing ICE to raid houses of worship. The religious groups say the policy is an intrusion on their ministry and worship. Image by Sergei Tokmakov, Esq., courtesy of Pixabay.

United Methodists join suit against Trump policy

United Methodists are among the Christian and Jewish bodies suing to prevent ICE agents from intruding on their ministry with immigrants and their worship.
Father Emmanuel Katongole, a Catholic priest and theologian who previously worked at Duke Divinity School, addresses the United Methodist Council of Bishops, meeting this week at Epworth by the Sea Conference Center in St. Simons Island, Ga. At the invitation of the bishops’ Anti-Racism Leadership Team, Katongole spoke of the challenges racism and tribalism present to Christians. Photo by Rick Wolcott, Council of Bishops.

Bishops hear call to be an ‘Ephesians church’

On U.S. Election Day, United Methodist bishops heard about the ongoing work of overcoming racism and tribalism. A theologian urged them to look to the Bible for guidance.
Social Concerns
Since the Church’s inception, Methodists have been actively involved in social and political matters in order to build a more peaceful and just world. Graphic by Laurens Glass, United Methodist Communications.

Ask The UMC: Is The United Methodist Church involved in politics?

Can United Methodists be politically active? The Social Principles offer guidance about the interaction of church and politics.
Mission and Ministry
Victoria Lilies on a tributary of the Amazon River in the Jacaré indigenous community near Autazes, Brazil. Water covers 71% of the earth's surface with 96.5% being salt water and only 3.5% being fresh water we can drink. Facts courtesy of NASA; photo by Mike DuBose, United Methodist Communications.

Ask The UMC: Our Living World, Part 3: Water

Water sustains all life on earth. United Methodists have pledged ourselves to act for its availability and preservation for all in our living world.

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