
United Methodists Joséphine Kingombe and Masudi Kansilembo read messages sent to their phones by pastors in Bukavu, Congo. Church leaders are sending support to help the faithful during growing insecurity in the region. Photo by Philippe Kituka Lolonga, UM News.

United Methodists stay connected amid Congo conflict

With churches shuttered due to insecurity in the region, United Methodist leaders are using social networks to continue evangelism and deliver messages of hope.
General Agencies
From left, Pacome Nguessan, Matt Crum, Priscilla Muzerengwa, Jennifer Rodia, Ashley Gish, North Katanga Area Bishop Mande Muyombo, Poonam Patodia and Chilima Karima celebrate together at the end of training on regionalization. All but the bishop work for United Methodist Communications. Photo courtesy of United Methodist Communications.

Training shows communications’ importance

African United Methodists who attended training sessions on communication and regionalization spoke of how it would help them tell the good news of the denomination.
Theology and Education
United Methodist communicators smile during training organized by United Methodist Communications in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Communicators from across the African continent joined in back-to-back training sessions on communications and regionalization in mid-October. Photo courtesy of United Methodist Communications.

Debunking disinformation about regionalization

United Methodists from across Africa gathered for training on communications and regionalization. Many have been contending with disinformation about the proposal and the church in general.
General Conference
A Dakotas Conference online Q&A about General Conference matters had answers maliciously changed, the conference reports. Bishop Lanette Plambeck said “the unauthorized edits do not reflect the responses or position of the Dakotas Conference or The United Methodist Church or our delegation (to General Conference).” Logo courtesy of the Dakotas Conference.

Conference online document altered

A Dakotas Conference’s online Q&A about General Conference had answers maliciously changed, Bishop Lanette Plambeck says.

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