Our Roots

Bishops from The Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren Church join hands as The United Methodist Church is formed. Photo courtesy of United Methodist Commission on Archives and History.

On April 23, 1968, with the words, "Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee, in Thy Church and now in The United Methodist Church," a new denomination was born.

The United Methodist Church was created by the joining of The Evangelical United Brethren Church, and The Methodist Church, two major Christian traditions with distinguished histories and influential ministries in various parts of the world.

Explore our history. Learn about our heritage. Find out about the people and issues that have shaped us.

Lovely Lane UMC

United Methodism began in 1968, but our roots go back to the 1700s. Explore this brief outline of our story.

The Holy Club at Oxford

Early members of the movement had nicknames like Holy Club, Bible Moths, Sacramentarians, and Enthusiasts. Learn why one name stuck.

Early Leaders

Circuit Riders & Clergy

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